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Xenon is generally chemically inert at STP. But under extreme conditions of high temperature it reacts with fluorine and oxygen forming compounds like XeOF2, XeF4, etc.

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Q: What is the reactivity information of xenon?
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Does xenon have low chemical reactivity?

Yes, it does.

What is the reactivity of xenon?

It is one of the least reactive elements.

What is the chemical reactivity of xenon?

It is chemically inert. Its electronegativity, on the Pauling scale is 2.60

Does xenon have a low chemical reactivity?

In its ground state, all of its electron shells are full, with no electrons left over.

Basic information about the reactivity series?

The reactivity series of metals is a table listing metals from the most reactive to the least reactive.

What information is given in the MSDS for acetic acid?

The reactivity of acetic acid with various chemical

What state stores the most xenon gas?

The information is not available.

What information is used to predict chemical reactivity?

The electronegativity of the elements help this prediction.

What are two pieces of information are found in an MSDS?

Flammability, health, reactivity and special.

What information is useful for predicting whether metal will replace another metal in compound?

The activity (or reactivity) series determines whether or not a metal will replace another one in a replacement reaction.See the Related Questions to the left for more information about the activity series.

Which is a colorless odorless gas with low chemical reactivity based on the periodic table selenium chlorine xenon or carbon?

Xenon as it is a noble gas. Noble gases are inert and do not react with anything. Selenium is a solid Chlorine is a green coloured highly reactive poisonous gas. Carbon is a non-metallic solid.

Is xenon poison?

In the airXenon is a trace gas in Earth's atmosphere, occurring in one part in twenty million.It is obtained as a byproduct from the liquefaction and separation of air. Xenon gas is available commercially in cylinders at high pressureXenon is regarded as a poison in nuclear engineering as it has a high neutron absorption cross section which lowers the reactivity of the core. Xe-135 is the cause of this loss in reactivity. Xenon poisoning is the reason why if a reactor goes down there are only 6 hours before an adjustment can be made and the reactor restarts otherwise, the reactor cannot start for over 4 days.Keep in mind that Xenon, like all elements,will have negative effects on the body if you are exposed or consume too much of it, but the trace amounts in the atmosphere are nothing to worry about.