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There are four types of the South American Woolly Monkey -Brown Woolly Monkey, (Lagothrix lagotricha) -Gray Woolly Monkey, (Lagothrix cana) -Colombian Woolly Monkey, (Lagothrix lugens) -Silvery Woolly Monkey, (Lagothrix poeppigii)

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When was Yellow-tailed woolly monkey created?

Yellow-tailed woolly monkey was created in 1812.

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Coelodonta antiquitatis is the binomial name (or scientific name) for the woolly rhinoceros.

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Is a woolly monkey an omnivore?

yes they are

Which is the smallest Woolly monkey Spider monkey or Chimpanzee?

Spider Monkey. They can be the size of your hand

What do the spider monkey and woolly monkey have in common?

they're both monkeys

What animal is the Woolly Spider Monkey related to?

They are related to Spider monkeys and Woolly monkeys.

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How do you get a woolly spider monkey in tap zoo?

by tapping.

Is a woolly monkey endangered or not?

They're critically endangered.

How is the yellow tailed woolly monkey endangered?

The yellow tailed woolly monkey is endangered because of commercial logging and land clearance. Also because of their predator the puma.

What color is the woolly monkey?

The woolly monkeyæs face is black... sorry that's the only thing I know!