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There is no way of telling without a doctor's exam. A lot of things could cause it. Low blood sugar, an infection, something glandular. See a doctor and find out.

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Q: What is the reason for even in normal temperature Human body feels internal shivering cause weakness?
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Can you have the flu and have a normal body temperature?

You can be ill with a normal body temperature but if it was flu you would be sweating and shivering at the same time.

What internal temperature is safe for food?

depends on which meat? normal is 140 to 170*

What is a normal internal temperature for a human?

37 degrees C 98.6 F

Shivering to try to raise your body temperature back to normal would be an example of?

Homeostasis.The body tries to maintain a certain body temperature to continue it's metabolic reactions.Shivering to get warm is an example of homeostasis. This is because shivering causes heat to be generated from the movement and friction. "Goose bumps" and sweat are also examples of homeostasis.

Why is the testis located in the scrotum instead of in the abdominopelvic cavity?

Temperature regulation. Normal internal body temperature is slightly too warm for optimal sperm production.

What is cofagrigus weakness?

well its main weakness its normal type attacks.

Are there any other living things that have an internal body temperature of 98.6 degrees?

Humans have an internal body temperature of 98.6 as well as whales and bats. Most creatures internal temperatures depend on their normal climates and surroundings and what their bodies need to adapt to those outside elements.

Can a sperm develop normally only in slightly cooler temperatures than normal body temperature?

Sperm develops best when at normal body temperature. They are very sensitive to temperature changes. Thus, the body does everything it can to help regulate the internal temperature to help protect the reproductive area.

Why patient shivering while IV fluids on flows?

iv fluids are stored at room temperature so it having the temperature 72 F but normal body temperature is 98.6 F which is higher than iv fluid temperature so while cold fluids entering in the body the bodyitselfshiversin orderto warm up

What were ear thermometers used for?

Ear Thermometers are used to take a person's internal temperature via the ear. The average human's normal temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Does a refrigerator have antifreeze in it?

There's no antifreeze installed in a refrigerator. It's just that you will have to set the temperature into normal and then the internal part will slowly get hot.