

What is the reason for mitosis?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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mitosis happen because the cells duplicate after a while it splits in two and other cells are formed.
Mitosis happens during cell division of non-gamete(somatic, everything but sperm and egg) cells.

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13y ago
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13y ago

to have the reproduction of cells witch are the building block of all living things

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they hav no difference

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Mitosis in Tagalog is "mitosis."

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The same as for any other type of mitosis. Mitosis is mitosis.... Mitosis is the duplication of a single cell without sexual recombination of DNA. In some species, mitosis can be a form of reproduction (asexual). In humans, mitosis is how you grow and repair wounds.

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Must spores occur in mitosis?

yes , it is essential for mitosis to occur in an amoeba in order for the cells to reproduce