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It is a tooth, not a tusk, and scientists have not yet discovered what it is for.

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Q: What is the reason for the narwhal tusk?
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What's the name of a whale with a long tusk?

The whale that has a distinctive tusk is a narwhal it is native to the arctic ocean

What do you think of a narwhal?

A curiosity and a source of amazement are what I think of a narwhal. It's curious how a narwhal looks, what with its frontwards projecting tusk that really is one of two teeth. That tusk may be a reason for its survival and for its decline. For example, the tusk may help a narwhal navigate ocean waters. At the same time, the tusk lures hunters in search of fortune. Also, it's amazing how a narwhal adapts to a challenging environment. For example, a narwhal calls Arctic waters home. Its coloring apes and therefore blends in with the play of light and shadow in the Arctic Ocean's upper waters.

What makes a Narwhal's tusk valuable?

The tusk is rare and difficult to obtain.

What kind of whale has been mistaken for a unicorn historically?

The Narwhal has a horn. Horse Isle Quiz- Narwhal.

How does the narwhal grow their tusk?

by eating

Why is a narwhal endangered?

ivory tusk

What is the material of the narwhal tusk?


How big is a narwhals tusk?

believe it or not, a narwhal's tusk is only 3 inches.

What aqutic animal has a tusk?


Which whale lives in the Arctic Ocean and has long ivory tusk?

The Narwhal has a long ivory tusk.

Why does a narwhal's tusk look braided?

Not braided, but twisted

What happens when a narwhal loses its tusk?

It does not grow back on