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so they can live

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Q: What is the reason they taking this action?
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German took it drastic because of what they have done

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The reason why Kony 2012 is becoming famous is because people are taking action in trying to stop and arrest Kony.

What is initiating action?

Initiating action would the beginning of taking action or doing something.

What is the difference between aim and purpose in education?

Aim is an ideal and long term reason behind of an action and aim alwaysbefore of an action that shows the paths or way but never meets completely. Purpose used after completion of an action as a reason of that action and this is immediate reason behind an action.

What is an rationale?

The reason behind an action.

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How can reason be translated into action?

Reason can be translated into action by setting clear goals based on logical analysis, developing a plan of action to achieve those goals, and executing the plan effectively. It involves making calculated decisions, considering the consequences of actions, and staying committed to the chosen course of action based on rational judgment. Taking the time to reflect on the rationale behind decisions and continuously evaluating progress can help ensure that actions are aligned with reasoned thinking.

Why does religion involve taking action?

A:Religion involves taking action to worship, because without this there is no religion. In this respect, belief requires action. Religion can involve taking action to help the poor and needy, either by prayer, financial assistance or giving of one's time.Religion does not involve taking action outside the law or against the spirit of the law, nor should it involve action to harrass or persecute those whose beliefs or actions differ from those of others.

What is the function of a dielectric?

The function of a dielectric is to be the support between to conductive components. It has nothing to do with the action taking place, but buffers the area in which the action is taking place.

In this paragraph what time of day is the action taking place?

To this question, in this paragraph, what time of day is the action taking place, it is. For further explanation, please visit prepositionland.

When do you use because and so that in a sentence?

because - when the action have the reason so that - when the action have the the cause

What is a reward that follows an action is called?

risk taking