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The recommended diet for blood type A is to eat a diet that consists of mainly vegetables. This is because when the A blood type was mutated, humans mainly ate vegetables.

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Q: What is the recommended diet for one with Type A blood?
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Where can one find more information on a blood type O diet?

A high protein diet is what is recommended for those that have blood type O. For more information, please read Dr. D'Adamo's book. As always, consult your own doctor before starting a new diet or exercise program.

Is there a diet made for your own blood type?

Yes every blood type is unique. Visit your doctor or clinic to find our your blood type and have a diet recommend for you. This is realy the only way one can be sure.

Is a low sugar diet ok for a b blood type?

Yes, a low sugar (or any other diet) are okay for your blood type. The blood type and diets do not affect one another so you should not worry about a diet affecting your health as long as it is not a unhealthy diet to begin with.

Should one with blood type o follow a low carbohydrate diet?

Blood type O people are more of omnivorous or they can eat any type of food. Unlike Type A which is a carnivorous and type B which are herbivore. Diet is not problem of blood type O person.

Where can I find a blood type diet chart?

Yes there are many locations where you can find blood type diet charts. One is which has a link to the chart on it's homepage. Another is In the Special reports section of the website's library section is an article titled Blood Type Diet.

Can one's ideal diet depend on blood type?

It is possible for one's ideal diet to be dependent on blood type, but there is not yet enough scientific evidence to make this a solid claim, which was made by John D'Amato, ND.

Does a diet for blood type a have a negative effect?

There is no documented effect of certain diets on people with certain blood types. One should strive to eat a balanced diet, limiting junk food, regardless of blood type.

What is a blood group diet and is it safe to go on?

A blood group diet is one that considers different types of foods to be "safe" for a person with that type of blood. This type of diet will not account for people with food allergies or different tastes and should not be followed without a doctor's recommendation.

O blood type diet foods and exercises?

According to an article on, the O blood type diet is rich in berries, eggs, and juices. Beans, dairy, breads and fish can also be part of the diet. The O blood type diet does thrive strongly on exercise. It is strongly recommend that one stays on a strict exercise plan in order for him or or to see benefit.

Is the blood type A positive diet scientifically proven to be effective on improving one's health?

There isn't scientific proof that this diet really can improve a person's health. All individuals can benefit from a well balanced and healthy diet, but it doesn't depend upon their blood type.

Where can I learn more about a diet based on a person's blood type.?

There are diets that exist based on blood types. Various blood types are thought to thrive on specific types of diet. People with some blood types function better on high protein diets, and others are better eating mostly vegetables or grains. What type of diet one should choose depends on what their blood type is. You could talk to your doctor or a nutritionist to determine what diet would work best for you.

If my blood type is A should I be on a vegetarian or vegan diet?

No just because you have a certain blood type you should not be on a vegetarian diet. Meat is a necessity for your well being. It offers iron, and protein that vegetables cannot offer. Vegetables are still very essential for a persons well being.