

What is the record cold temperature in Canada?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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White River at -58c, which would be the coldest if it wasn't for Snag, Yukon at -62.8c, but Snag is not the home of Winnie the Pooh.

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Q: What is the record cold temperature in Canada?
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The Yukon holds the record for the coldest temperature ever recorded in Canada -63 degrees Celsius.

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Alaska is the most coldest state in the US. So yes it does snow a lot

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It was set at minus 31 degrees F at Nowata on 10 February 2011.

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What is a "tempacha?" By any chance, do you mean temperature, as in how hot or cold it is in Canada? Please clarify by spell checking, then improve the question. If you do mean "temperature," are you asking the current temperature, or average temperature during a specific time of year. Perhaps someone can answer that for you.

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Anywhere along the pacific ocean rarely goes below freezing in winter

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Lowest temperature in yellowknife canada?

Yellowknife has very cold winters and mild to warm summers. The lowest temperature in Yellowknife ever recorded was -60* F on January 31,1947.

If you lived in Alaska would you be cold?

Normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees F and any outdoor temperature below 32 degrees F when joined with even modest winds can be defined as cold. Imagine the record low of minus 80 degrees with a brisk wind and you will know what cold can be.