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As well as plants, some bacteria also photosynthesize, though they use a different chemical process. Some plants use different photosynthetic mechanisms, known as C3, C4, and CAM. The latter mechanism is used by plants (such as some 'perching plants') that may have a water conservation problem. These plants open their stomata at night to take in CO2, and dissolve that in a specific chemical. During the day, they close their stomata to conserve water, and process the stored CO2 to produce sugars, etc.

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Q: What is the refference of why is it that only plants can photosynthesize?
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Do plants photosynthesize?


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Yes, Jew's Ear is a fungi. It does not have a green pigment called chlorophyll, which allows it to photosynthesize. Only plants can photosynthesize. Therefore, it is a fungi.

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Plants need light to photosynthesize. Photo-Light They use the light for their only energy source. The exceptions being carnivorous plants such as Bladderworts and the always-known Venus Fly Traps.

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no non green plants dont photosynthesize only green plants do i havent figured out which types dont

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Yes, the can photosynthesize and respire at the same time.

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chloroplast are only found in plants which are green in colour, no matter if it is seedless or not. They are found only in those parts of the plant that photosynthesize.

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In the dark plants cannot photosynthesize.