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The region is stratosphere. It contains the ozone layer.

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Q: What is the region of atmosphere that includes the ozone layer called?
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What layer of the earths atmosphere includes a region of ozone which absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun?

There is a region in atmosphere containing ozone. It is called ozone layer.

Does Earth include a layer of ozone?

Yes, the earth's atmosphere contains a layer of ozone. This layer is called ozone layer and is present in the stratospheric region of the atmosphere.

Is the sky called the ozone layer?

No, the sky is not called ozone layer. Ozone layer is a specific layer inside the stratospheric region of the atmosphere.

What region of the Earth's atmosphere contains a layer of ozone?

Stratosphere contains layer of ozone. It is called as ozone layer.

Which layer of the Earth's atmosphere includes a region of ozone which absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun?

The layer of atmosphere containing a region of ozone absorbing harmful UV rays from sun is ozone layer. It is present in stratosphere.

What layer in the atmosphere contains ozone layer?

The stratosphere region of the atmosphere contains most of the ozone. It is in the form of pool of ozone molecules called the ozone layer.

What contains the ozone layer in eath's atmosphere?

The stratosphere region of the atmosphere contains most of the ozone. It is in the form of pool of ozone molecules called the ozone layer.

Which atmosphere has a ozone layer in it?

The stratosphere region of atmosphere has the ozone. It is present as the ozone layer.

Which layer of the atmosphere is the first?

Atmosphere. Ozone is formed by interaction between oxygen in the atmosphere, and UV-C from the Sun.

Is there such thing as the ozone layer?

Yes, there is an ozone layer in the atmosphere. It is present at the stratospheric region of the atmosphere.

What is the layer including the ozone layer?

The stratosphere layer contains the ozone layer. It blocks out most of the UV rays.

What atmosphere layer is the ozone layer found?

Ozone is found in the stratospheric region of atmosphere. It is found in the form of ozone layer.