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The active site.

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Q: What is the region where enzymes attach to their substrates?
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Where is the region where enzymes attach to their substrates called?

The active site.

What to enzymes do?

Enzymes attach to things called substrates to help speed up the reaction. Only certain enzymes match the shape of certain substrates.

What do enzymes have to help them fit their substrates the molecules that attach to the enzyme?

Enzymes are proteins that have a very specific structure. The region on the surface of an enzyme that is responsible for binding and converting the subtract into the product is called the active site.

What enzymes have to help them fit their substrates the molecules thet attach to the enzyme?

Im not here to answer your homework questions for Mrs Gerehearts class. LOLOL

Is it true or false that Enzymes interact with specific substrates?

Enzymes does interact with specific substrates. This is used in science.

What can enzymes react with?


How does an enzymes interact with a substance?

Enzymes interact with substrates by binding only with specific substrates. Enzymes will then alter the shape of the substrate in order to induce reaction.

What do enzymes have to help them fit their substrates the molecules that attach to the enzymes?

They actually bind to a substrate as the term reactant is usually used in chemistry. They fit into what we call an active site just like a key will fit into a lock. The key must be the correct key or the reaction will not occur. So the enzyme is said to be specific for that substrate.

What are molecules that are acted upon by enzymes called?

These molecules are called substrates.

Enzymes specially interact with?


Do all enzymes have the same shape as their substrates?


What do enzymes and substrates look like?

Enzymes and substrates are molecules and look like any other molecules. In case of enzymes specifically, they are proteins and so have long chains of amino acids folded into different structures and shapes.