

Best Answer

well if c equels c and 9-4=4 then a to i = Toby

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Q: What is the relationship between a compounds retention time and its molecular weight?
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What is the relationship between prefixes and molecular compounds?

the relationship between prefixes and molecular compounds is that, prefix are used to name molecular compounds.

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What is the relationship between motivation and retention?

There is a great relationship between motivation and retention. If you are motivated to learn something you have a bigger chance of retaining that information.

The properties of both ionic and molecular compounds are related to the?

strengths of attraction between the particles in the compounds

What is the difference between ionic and molecular compound?

Ionic compounds contain ionic compounds whereas molecular compounds contain covalent bonds in their molecules.

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Molecular (more correct is covalent) compounds have covalent bonds; electrons are shared between two atoms.

What is the chemical formula of a molecular compound called?

Molecular compounds are formed between two ionic bonds

How do molecular compounds achieve stability?

Intramolecular attraction forces between atoms.

Can you see difference between molecular compound from ionic compound with a microscope?

Yes, if the microscope's enlargement ability is adequate, you can see the crystalline structure in ionic compounds unlike in molecular compounds.

What is the difference between atomic mass an molecular mass?

Atomic mass is defined for atoms. Molecular mass is defined for molecules or compounds. Atoms bond with each other to form compounds.

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Is Triphosphorous pentachloride ionic or molecular?

Molecular. If you compare the electronegativities of phosphorus and chlorine, the difference between them falls in a spectrum of molecular compounds. The quick and easy answers : 1) non metals only = molecular. 2) the prefixes in the name (tri =3, penta=5) are used for the naming of molecular compounds (and hydrates)