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decomposers eat dead organic material and make the nutrients therein contained available to plants.

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15y ago

At least 5 to 6 months.

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13y ago

its all about the ralationship

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Q: What is the relationship between a decomposer and dead organic material?
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Is larva a decomposer?

Decomposers eat dead material. Most decomposers are fungus and bacteria. However, mosquito larvae does not eat dead organic material, and therefore is not a decomposer.

Is Tubifex Tubifex a decomposer?

Yes, Tubifex Tubifex is a type of decomposer. They are known as detritivores, feeding on organic matter in aquatic environments and helping break down dead plant material.

In the food chain what would a fungus be considered?

Fungus has the role of decomposer in a food chain it decomposes the dead organic material and feeds on it.

Is yeast a consumer or decomposer?

Yeast is a decomposer. Yeast breaks down organic material, such as sugars, through the process of fermentation to obtain energy.

What terms describe a detritivore?

It is an animal which feeds on dead organic material, especially plant remains. It could be a decomposer or a cow eating hay.

Is cinnabar fungus scavenger or decomposer?

Cinnabar fungi are decomposers. They break down organic matter like dead plant material by secreting enzymes that break it down into simpler compounds, which are then absorbed by the fungus for nutrition.

Is mosquito larva a decompose?

Decomposers eat dead material. Most decomposers are fungus and bacteria. However, mosquito larvae does not eat dead organic material, and therefore is not a decomposer.

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What is the role of the decomposer in the carbon and nitrogen cycle?

Decomposers release digestive hydrolytic enzymes into dead materials and absorb the organic material. They use the organic material containing carbon in respiration so CO2 is given out. They also convert proteins into NH3 which is released into the soil.

Which term describes an organism such as a dung beetle or a cockroach that consumes decaying or dead organic material as its primary source of nutrition?

Decomposer, scavenger or carrion-eater

Is sand a decomposer?

No, sand is not a decomposer. Decomposers are organisms like bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter into simple substances. Sand is mostly composed of small rock and mineral particles.

Is soil a decomposer producer or a consumer?

Soil is non-living; therefore, it is neither a decomposer, consumer, or producer. However, the organisms within the soil are most often decomposers. Decomposition of organic material always occurs in the soil in terrestrial ecosystems.