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Marouane Chamakh

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2mo ago

The relationship between the center of gravity and support base for an object in stable equilibrium is that the center of gravity must lie within the support base. This ensures that the gravitational force acting on the object does not create a torque that would cause it to tip over. A wider base increases stability by providing a larger area for the center of gravity to fall within.

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Q: What is the relationship between center of gravity and support base for an object in stable equilibrium?
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How do we know wheater abody is in a stable or unstable equilbrium due to position of its centre of gravity?

If the center of gravity of an object falls below its support base, it is in stable equilibrium. If the center of gravity falls outside the support base, it is in unstable equilibrium. You can determine the stability by assessing the relationship between the object's center of gravity and its base of support.

How do we know whether a body is in stable or unstable state due to position of its centre of gravity?

If the center of gravity of a body is located directly above its base of support, the body is in a stable equilibrium. If the center of gravity is located outside the base of support, the body is in an unstable equilibrium and more likely to tip over. The stability of a body is determined by the relationship between the center of gravity and the base of support.

What is the relationship between base of support and line of gravity?

The base of support is the area beneath an object or person that sustains their weight. The line of gravity is an imaginary line passing through the center of gravity of an object or person. The relationship between the two is that a wider base of support provides more stability because it allows for better alignment with the line of gravity, reducing the risk of tipping or falling over.

What is the angle between a support force and a surface on object rest upon?

The upward support force is as much as the downward pull of gravity.

An object is in stable equilibrium only when?

An object is in stable equilibrium when its center of gravity is directly above its base of support, and any disturbance causes it to return to its original position.

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How do we know wheater abody is in a stable or unstable equilbrium due to position of its centre of gravity?

If the center of gravity of an object falls below its support base, it is in stable equilibrium. If the center of gravity falls outside the support base, it is in unstable equilibrium. You can determine the stability by assessing the relationship between the object's center of gravity and its base of support.

How do we know whether a body is in stable or unstable state due to position of its centre of gravity?

If the center of gravity of a body is located directly above its base of support, the body is in a stable equilibrium. If the center of gravity is located outside the base of support, the body is in an unstable equilibrium and more likely to tip over. The stability of a body is determined by the relationship between the center of gravity and the base of support.

What is the relationship between base of support and line of gravity?

The base of support is the area beneath an object or person that sustains their weight. The line of gravity is an imaginary line passing through the center of gravity of an object or person. The relationship between the two is that a wider base of support provides more stability because it allows for better alignment with the line of gravity, reducing the risk of tipping or falling over.

What is the angle between a support force and a surface on object rest upon?

The upward support force is as much as the downward pull of gravity.

An object is in stable equilibrium only when?

An object is in stable equilibrium when its center of gravity is directly above its base of support, and any disturbance causes it to return to its original position.

Where should your center of gravity be in relationship to your base of support when lifting an object?

Your center of gravity should be directly above your base of support when lifting an object. This helps to maintain balance and stability and reduces the risk of injury.

What is the angle between a support force and the surface on object rests upon?

The angle between a support force and the surface an object rests upon is typically 90 degrees, which means the force is perpendicular to the surface. This helps the object stay in equilibrium and remain in place without moving.

The famous Leaning Tower of Pisa doesn't topple over because its center of gravity is?

the center of gravity of the leaning tower of Pisa lies above its base of support, so the tower is in stable equilibrium.

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No. There is no relationship between the two.

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Why do things stay upright when there is gravity?

Objects stay upright in the presence of gravity because gravity exerts a downward force on them, creating a stable equilibrium where the object's center of mass is directly above its base of support. This equilibrium prevents the object from falling over under the influence of gravity.

Where should your center of gravity be when In a relationship to your base of support when lifting an object?

Your center of gravity should be directly above your base of support when lifting an object to maintain balance and stability. This alignment helps distribute the weight of the object effectively through your body, reducing the risk of injury. Keeping your center of gravity over your base of support also helps you control the movement of the object more efficiently.