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Q: What is the relationship between gravitational force and mass for objects near the surface of earth?
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What is the relationship between gravitational force and mass for objects near the surface of earth when the slope of the graph is equal?

The answer depends on the slope of which graph.

The gravitational force?

Gravitational force is the attractive force between two objects with mass. It is responsible for holding planets in orbit around the sun and objects on the Earth's surface. The force is determined by the masses of the objects and the distance between them.

What type of force occurs between any two objects?

The type of force that occurs between any two objects is gravitational force. This force is responsible for the attraction between objects with mass and is what keeps planets in orbit around the sun and objects on Earth's surface.

What is true about gravitational force?

Gravitational force is a fundamental force of attraction between objects with mass. It obeys Newton's law of universal gravitation, which states that the force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Gravitational force is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around the Sun and objects on Earth's surface.

Definition of gravitational force and examples?

Gravitational force is the attractive force that exists between any two objects with mass. It is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around the Sun and objects on Earth's surface. Examples include the gravitational force between the Earth and an apple causing it to fall to the ground, and the gravitational force between the Sun and Earth keeping them in orbit.

What increases when the gravitational forces increase?

The acceleration due to gravity increases when gravitational forces increase, resulting in objects falling faster towards Earth's surface. Additionally, the gravitational potential energy also increases as objects are pulled stronger towards each other due to increased gravitational forces.

What is the force that holds objects to Earth's surface?

Gravity is the force that holds objects to Earth's surface. It is a fundamental force of nature that attracts objects with mass towards each other.

What evidence is there that the gravitational pull also pulls on objects closer to the surface of earth?

the objects fall to the ground

Besides mass what does gravity depend on?

Gravity also depends on the distance between two objects and the gravitational constant, which is a fundamental constant in physics denoted by G. This constant determines the strength of the gravitational force between objects with mass.

how could you increase the gravitational potential energy between yourself and earth?

You can increase the gravitational potential energy between yourself and the Earth by increasing your height above the Earth's surface. This is because gravitational potential energy depends on the distance between two objects. By moving to a higher position, you are increasing the distance between yourself and the Earth, thus increasing the gravitational potential energy.

What is the suns gravitational field strength?

The gravitational field strength of the Sun is approximately 274 m/s^2 at its surface. This means that objects near the surface of the Sun experience a gravitational acceleration of about 274 m/s^2.

What are objects from which light can not escape because of a gravitational pull at its surface?

A black hole. However, it does not have a surface but an event horizon.