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Q: What is the relationship between lysosomes and Tay Sachs?
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What cellular organelle is involved in Tay-sachs?

Tay-Sachs disease is a human genetic disorder which results in the accumulation of cells due to the clogging caused by undigested lipids. The organelle involved in this disease is the lysosome.

What part of the cell is defective in pompe's disease and Tay Sachs disease?


What part of the cell is defective in pompe's disease and Tay-Sachs disease?


Defective in pompe's disease and tay-sachs disease?

Lysosomes are the organelles that become defective in these diseases.

What are facts about tay-sachs?

It was named after doctors Warren Tay and Bernard Sachs.

What would happen if there was no lysosome?

Lysosomes are responsible for digesting worn out organelles. If there was not a lysosome, then excess organelles would not be discarded. Tay-Sachs disease is caused by malfunction of lysosomes or one of their digestive proteins.

Tay-Sachs disease is a human?

Tay-Sachs disease is a human genetic disorder.

What effect does Tay Sachs disease have on the body?

what effect does Tay-sachs disease have on the body?

Can a person with the Tay-Sachs disease live a healthy life?

A person with tay sachs can live a healthy life but still battles the many limitations of Tay sachs disease. Depending on the type of tay sachs, Classic, Juvenile onset, and Late Onset depends how healthy a life a person with tay sachs disease.

Is there any way to prevent tay sachs?

There are a couple ways Tay-Sachs can be prevented; 1) determine if both you and your mate carry the Tay-Sachs gene 2) perform a prenatal diagnosis to determine if the fetus carries the Tay-Sachs gene Hope this helped!

Is tay sachs disease sex-linked?

There is no evidence that shows that tay-sachs is a sex-linked trait.

Is tay-sachs a sex-linked disease?

There is no evidence that shows that tay-sachs is a sex-linked trait.