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At my old university, Pharmacy students had to take two mathematics courses, one in Calculus, focused on things like rates of elimination of drugs from the body (it got as far as simple differential equations) and one on biostatistics. Both courses assumed some knowledge of calculus at school, and of course some algebra and coordinate geometry.

Also the chemistry courses that they took needed algebra, coordinate geometry and some calculus. Chemical reactions in pharmacy involve relatively weak acids and alkalis, and this makes them mathematically more complicated. Also things like the rates of diffusion of drugs through biological membranes in the body have to be considered.

Some of the advanced Pharmacy books had some fairly demanding mathematics, often to do with physical pharmacy. Work with radio-active pharmaceuticals also required mathematics, as the radio-active decay interacts with the elimination of the drug from the body.

Each college will have different requirements for entry into Pharmacy.

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physics is in the category of maths so this is the relation if you are good in maths so you have to be good in physics which comes in geometry of maths The math may be called the language of physics. Any statement can be written in Math .

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