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There is a famous book by Max Weber called The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. His thesis is that Protestantism created the values that developed capitalism.

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Q: What is the relationship between protestantism and capitalism?
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Who first said there was a link between Protestantism and capitalism?

Max Weber suggested in 1904 that certain tenets of Protestantism were more favorable to commerce and thus led to the rise of capitalism in his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.Karl Marx earlier suggested the reverse connection; that the rise of commerce and capitalism in Europe led to the Protestant Reformation. That would have been in the second half of the 19th century (1870 -ish).

What is the relationship between capitalism and calvinism?

Capitalism and Calvinism are two completely different topics. Capitalism is a form of government, while Calvinism is a type of religion or belief. They really have no major similarities.

What is the relationship between capitalism and slavery?

Capitalism has historically been intertwined with slavery, as enslaved labor was used to generate profits and wealth for capitalist societies. The exploitation of enslaved individuals provided a source of cheap labor that contributed to the economic development of capitalist systems. While the abolition of slavery occurred in many parts of the world, the legacies of slavery still persist in economic inequalities and social injustices within capitalist societies.

What are the most important differences between Catholicism and Protestantism?

The most important difference between Catholicism and Protestantism, although there are many, is the fact that Protestantism does not believe that the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, but believes it is only a remembrance.

What is Evolution of economy?

It is a spiral change from a dialectical relationship between oppressed and oppressor. The past step was feudalism, present day is capitalism and the assumed next step is a social society.

What two ideologies were at the heart of the disagreements between the US and the soviet union during the cold war?

Capitalism and communism - APEX.

What was the policy in gemany after the peace of augsberg?

states could choose between catholicism and protestantism

What was the policy in Germany after the Peace of Augsburg?

States could choose between Catholicism and Protestantism.

What is is the difference between Mercantilism and capitalism?

the major difference between the two is mercantalism is based around the government and capitalism around the individual. Mercantalism depends on a trading market of exporting more than importing to increase the gold and silver of a country. Capitalism has supply and demand.

Similarites between capitalism and mercantilism?

Mercantilism and Capitalism both have to do with the economy and making money. and they both have people getting benefits from them the entrepenuers and the monarchs

Key difference between state capitalism and free-market capitalism is?

It depends on whether the means of production are owned by the state (state capitalism) or by private capitalists (private capitalism). Free enterprise is a largely mythical variety of private capitalism.

What Theory was developed by Carl Marx to explain the relationship between the social classes?

Karl Marx developed the theory of Marxism, which explains the relationship between social classes through the concept of class struggle and the idea that history is driven by the conflict between the ruling class (bourgeoisie) and the working class (proletariat). Marx believed that this conflict would ultimately lead to the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a classless society.