



Generally associated with the protests against the Catholic Church and its methods, Protestants follow Jesus Christ. One of the early scholars to lead the break from the established church was Martin Luther. If you have questions about anything to do with Protestantism, this is place to ask them.

1,475 Questions

Why did the Roman Catholic Church forbid people to read a book by Copernicus?

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The Roman Catholic Church opposed Copernicus's book "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres" because it presented a heliocentric view of the universe, challenging the established geocentric model supported by the Church. The Church viewed this as contradicting scripture and potentially undermining its authority. The book was eventually banned until amendments were made to it to align with Church doctrine.

How many people still believe in a flat earth?

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Asked by F524897jj7dh

It is difficult to determine an exact number, but the flat earth belief is considered a fringe theory with a small number of adherents compared to the majority who accept the round earth scientific consensus. Social media and online platforms have helped amplify their visibility, but they do not represent a significant portion of the population.

How does one register a church in Kenya?

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Asked by Wiki User

To register a church in Kenya, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Decide on a name for the church that is not already in use
  2. Obtain a certificate of good conduct for the founders and leaders of the church
  3. Apply for registration at the office of the Attorney General
  4. Submit the necessary documents such as the church constitution, statement of faith, and list of officials and members.

Do you bring flowers to a wake?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is appropriate to bring flowers to a wake as a gesture of sympathy and support for the family of the deceased. Common choices include muted and neutral colors such as white, cream, or pastels. It is also considerate to consider the customs and preferences of the family or the specific cultural practices surrounding wakes.

What kind of process that would have to go through to become a PLC?

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Asked by Wiki User

To become a Professional Learning Community (PLC), educators need to engage in a continuous cycle of collaborative inquiry, reflection, and action to improve student learning outcomes. This involves establishing shared values and goals, engaging in data-driven decision-making, providing ongoing professional development, and fostering a culture of trust and collaboration among staff members. PLCs require a commitment to collective responsibility and a growth mindset to sustain a culture of continuous improvement.

Should the word evangelical be capitalized?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the word "Evangelical" should be capitalized when referring to the Evangelical Christian movement or tradition.

How many protestants in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are approximately 800 million Protestants in the world, making it one of the largest Christian denominations. Protestants follow various denominations such as Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, and Pentecostal.

How many women in the world are Christian?

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There is no definitive number, but it is estimated that around 500 million women worldwide identify as Christian. The exact figure may vary due to factors such as religious affiliation, denominational differences, and cultural contexts.

What percentage of the people in Latin America are considered to be protestant?

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Approximately 19% of the population in Latin America are considered to be Protestant. The Protestant population has been growing steadily in the region in recent years.

What is the root word for evangelical?

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The root word for evangelical is "evangel," which comes from the Greek word "euangelion" meaning "good news" or "gospel."

Is there life after seventy?

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Yes, many people live active and fulfilling lives well into their seventies and beyond. Maintaining good physical health, staying socially engaged, and having a positive outlook on life can contribute to a high quality of life in older age.

What are some examples of inequality in religion?

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Some examples of inequality in religion include limited roles for women in leadership positions, discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals, unequal treatment based on race or ethnicity, and restrictions on religious freedom for minority groups.

What did john Wycliffe believe was a path of God?

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John Wycliffe believed that the Scriptures should be accessible to all people in their vernacular language so they could have a direct relationship with God without the need for intermediaries such as the clergy. He also emphasized the importance of personal piety and moral living as the true path to God.

What did Queen Elizabeth do in protestant reformation?

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Queen Elizabeth I played a significant role in the Protestant Reformation in England. She established the Church of England, which separated from the authority of the Pope and embraced Protestant beliefs. Elizabeth implemented religious policies that sought to bring stability to the nation and mitigate the religious conflicts that had plagued England during her predecessors' reigns. Her religious settlement and support for the Protestant cause helped solidify England as a Protestant nation.

What are some examples of Protestant religions?

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Strictly speaking "denomination" is the better term for your question than "religion". Denominations are the subdivisions or varieties within a religion.

Within Christianity there are many denominations. The denominations which are called Protestant share common roots in the Reformation of Roman Catholicism in the 16th century.

Some examples of Protestant denominations would include: Lutheran, Baptist, Anglican/Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Evangelical Reformed, Methodist, and Congregationalist.

Blue nose protestant?

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The term "blue nose protestant" does not have a clear definition or widely recognized meaning. However, "blue nose" historically referred to someone who was perceived as overly strict or puritanical in their religious beliefs or practices. "Protestant" refers to a religious group that originated during the Protestant Reformation and includes various Christian denominations. Combining these terms, it could possibly imply someone who is very strict or conservative in their Protestant beliefs and practices.

What does it mean when you keep seeing butterflies?

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When my Neice died, the back yard seemed to fill with Monarchs. When my sister and mother died, similar things happened. When one of my other Nieces graduated in an outdoor ceremony of about 150 grads, a lone flew in and landed on her. Whenever my wife and I are in our back yard, monarchs seem to visit. We think that this is is the way that those who are no longer with us just letting us know that when we leave this earth, everything is alright and they are with God.

What foods do Protestants eat?

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Asked by Wiki User


I didn't know they were on a diet!


Protestants are a large and diverse group. Ethnic or regional foods will be served on their tables, and you won't see "Protestant food" on a plate.

Protestants have no dietary restrictions generally speaking, although some fundamentalists might follow Old Testament restrictions, so if you are entertaining people you know to be fundamentalist Christians, ask them whether they have special requirements.

Some Christian groups have other restrictions. Mormons, for example, don't drink coffee because of the caffeine content. Again, feel free to ask: your consideration will be appreciated.

Bear in mind that people of any religious group might have allergic reactions or strong likes or dislikes relating to certain foods. Again, check with prospective guests as a courtesy.

Do Protestants have to get circumcised?

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No. Paul's Epistles in the New Testament discuss the question of whether or not Christians need to be circumcised, and he says that they don't. For this reason circumcision is not a part of Christianity. Some Christian boys have been circumcised for other reasons, but there is no religious reason for circumcision.

Did the Shakers follow a vegetarian diet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some followers did, some didn't. Click on the link below, under 'Related links'.

What can you do when you have a narcissistic boss?

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Asked by Wiki User

Narcissism is a rare personality disorder that requires a specific diagnosis. Additionally, narcissists typically don't lie much. Your boss sounds more like an ego-centric who twists the truth to support him or herself. I would file a formal complaint with HR and get others in your department to do the same. Document the issues in writing so you have support. I am in that situation now and it is horrible!! Only thing I can say is document, document, document!! The boss I work for is a narcissistic and right now we (meaning he and I) communicate through a third party via his request. His office is directly in front of my desk and whenever I need his signature on a document, I have to get up, walk around the corner give it to the third party, she then walks it back pass my desk and gives it to him. Now, you see the predictament I'm in. All I can say is pray. go to their higher ups and state your beef! Narcissists most certainly do lie. The truth is irrelevant to them. What I did? I quit. It's not worth it.

What differences are there between Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church and English Evangelical Lutheran Church?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vaguely put, the Wisconsin Synod tends to be more conservative than the Missouri Synod. The core differences stem from differing views of what defines "confessional fellowship" as well as what roles are divinely instituted in matters of Church ministry. The Missouri synod and WELS differ on what the Bible says concerning roles of men and women within the Church. Both are confessional Lutheran Churches and to outsiders the differences are often difficult to discern, while to the two synods, the matters of disagreement are of great enough weight to fuel the conviction to remain distinct. The Wisconsin Synod teaches that agreement on all the teachings of Scripture is necessary for all forms of fellowship. The Missouri Synod teaches that full agreement is necessary only for altar and pulpit fellowship. Wisconsin teaches that the same scriptural principles apply to all forms of church or religious fellowship. All joint prayer is an expression of fellowship. Missouri teaches that there can be joint prayer that is not an act of fellowship. In practice Missouri also indicates that full agreement is not necessary for worship at occasional joint Christian celebrations, Reformation services, convocations, rallies. Some Missouri pastors allow "ecumenical wedding services" at which pastors or priests outside their fellowship may participate. Wisconsin practices "close" or "closed" communion, inviting to their altars only those who are members of congregations in WELS fellowship. Although Missouri officially teaches "close(d)" communion, many pastors and churches practice "open" communion, allowing joint communion with those not in doctrinal agreement with the Missouri Synod. There are also differences in the doctrine of the church and ministry between the two synods. Wisconsin teaches that God has not ordained any particular form of the church. The invisible church is present in the local congregation and the synod. Both can be called church in the same sense. Missouri's official teaching seems to be that the local congregation is the only "divinely appointed" form of the church. By contrast the synod is a human arrangement. Wisconsin teaches that the pastor of a local congregation is only one form of the divinely instituted public ministry. Other forms are teachers, professors, called administrators, etc. The specific form is determined by the church's call. Missouri seems to teach that the only divinely instituted form of the public ministry is that of pastor of a local congregation. All other positions are auxiliary to this. However, there appears to be a number of different teachings on the church and ministry currently in the Missouri Synod. According to the WELS, scripture assigns the headship role to men and a helping role to women, only men serve in offices and roles that involve an exercise of authority over other men. Missouri does not allow women to serve as pastors but allows women to serve in a number of areas which involve the exercise of authority over men.