

Martin Luther

Questions concerning Martin Luther, the theologian. His history, work, and rise to prominence in the Protestant Reformation.

647 Questions

Why did Martin Luther the roman Catholic church?

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He oppose the church when Luther objected to a saying attributed to Johann Tetzel that "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory also attested as 'into heaven' springs."He insisted that, since forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. Christians, he said, must not slacken in following Christ on account of such false assurances.

Martin Luther salvation was gained by?

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faith alone, not through good works or any human effort. He believed that salvation was a free gift from God that could only be received by placing one's trust in Jesus Christ. This view, known as justification by faith, was a key belief of the Protestant Reformation and a departure from the Catholic Church's teaching on salvation through works.

Why was Martin Luther successful?

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he stopped segregation and the boycott in georgia

What did Martin Luther do for early childhood education?

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Martin Luther's contributions to early childhood education are vast. He is responsible for the more equal learning environments for children.

What has Martin Luther King Jr done?

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he's been a significant civil rights idol in his time and even to this day. It was the basis of not judging people by the color of their skin. He had a dream of a better future for our world. well that's all i can tell you but I'm sure theres plenty of other stuff

What was the important thing martin Luther did to the Bible?

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The best place to go for the answer to this question is to surf to it has almost all the works of Martin Luther on the site for you to read for free. The short answer is that Martin Luther believed that the Bible is the infallible Word of the living God. He said in many of his sermons and writings that the Bible is the final written authority on almost all matters and that it should be consulted first and foremost when researching any question.

Why did Luther have a conflict with the Roman Catholic Church?

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It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church.

"Because the roman catholic church was taking the tithe money and using it for themselves!" This was the original answer posted by someone else, however, it is highly inaccurate and doesn't give the full picture. Martin Luther disagreed with many things. 1: The authority of the Church. Martin Luther did NOT believe in the Pope as the authority of the Church. After the resurrection, Jesus gave the keys of his Church to Peter to be the "physical" leader in His stead. After Peter died, a new leader was chosen and since then, Catholics have always had a Pope. 2: "By Faith alone we are saved" Martin Luther believed that if one just has faith, then he/she is saved and claimed that it was even written in the Bible. When Martin Luther translated the Bible from original Greek to German he added words. Such as, Romans 3:28, "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith {"allein" (English 'alone')} apart from the deeds of the law." Allein, was added in by Martin Luther and even some Protestant scholars have admitted that this is true, though some denied it. Catholics strongly disagree with the "Faith alone" statement and insist that one must also try to be perfect AND faithful. --This also ties in with Martin Luther's disagreement with confession and repentance. He states, "Be a sinner, and sin boldly, but believe more boldly still. Sin shall not drag us away from Him, even should we commit fornication or murder thousands and thousands of times a day (Luther, M. Letter of August 1, 1521 as quoted in Stoddard, p.93)." Yet Catholics firmly believe in the repentance of one's sins. There are many other things that Martin Luther disagreed with the Catholic faith. As to the answer left beforehand, many people have the misconception that the Catholics were "money hogs." In actuality, the Church was quite poor and what little money it did have, was spent on the long and painstaking process of translating and hand-printing the Bible and distributing them among Churches around Europe, during the middle ages. That point of time with the Church does not tie in with Martin Luther.


Answer from a Catholic who used to be a LutheranI'm sorry, but people have to stop dancing around the main issue here. If you actually read Martin Luther's own writings, the man had a problem with alcohol and sex. The man threw off his lifelong religious vows of chastity, obedience, and poverty without so much as a by-your-leave and proceeded to trash the Church for anything he could think of to get the attention off himself as he broke every commandment Our Blessed Lord left us. Martin Luther did not want to try to be good and follow God, so he made up his own religion that allowed him to "sin and sin greatly" and God would still save him, in spite of his sin (his words, not mine). Martin Luther disagreed with the Church because the Church had constantly taught the morality of Jesus calling people to "repent and believe in the Gospel." Luther did NOT want to repent, nor did he want to believe in the Gospel, he wanted to believe that he was saved - period. So the Catholic faith that Our Blessed Lord entrusted to St. Peter and his successors had to go. The German princes loved it as they no longer had to send tithes to Rome, so they followed Luther into the gutter, and took the Church away from the common people.

What did Martin Luther do while he was in hiding?

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While Martin Luther was in "hiding" he translated the New Testament from Greek into German, from the website on his biography:

Luther was allowed to leave Worms, but he was now considered an outlaw. Emperor Charles issued the Edict of Worms, declaring Luther a heretic and ordering his death.

Frederick the Wise of Saxony favored Luther and arranged for him to be "kidnapped" and taken to Wartburg Castle near the town of Eisenach.


Luther disguised himself as a nobleman, grew a beard and called himself "Junker Jörg". He was safe in the Wartburg, a strong fortress on the top of a mountain, under the protection of the local prince.

He spent nearly a year there, writing furiously and fighting depression and numerous physical ailments. It was in a small study in the castle in 1522 that he translated the New Testament from Greek into German and profoundly influenced the form and standardization of the German language.

Where was Martin Luther King Jr's funeral?

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was first entombed at Southview Cemetery, located on Jonesboro Road in SE Atlanta. If you visit Southview, you can still see the original crypt that held Dr. King's body. That crypt now holds the remains of both of Dr. King's parents. The only thing that was changed from when Dr. King's body was in this crypt is the front marble cover which now contains the family name plus the names of Dr. King's parents.

Dr. Martin Luther King's body was later relocated to what is now the Martin Luther King National Historic Site on Auburn Avenue is downtown Atlanta. When his body was first relocated there, it was closer to the street, surrounded by a simple white gate fence. Once the King Center was completed, his crypt was relocated within the reflecting pool, separated from sightseers by water.

King's tombstone is engraved with the words:

Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I'm free at last

When Coretta Scott King died, her body was placed in a temporary crypt in front of Dr. King's tomb and now rests beside him in a double crypt.

What was martin luthers fathers job?

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he worked at being a preacher

What did Martin Luther discover?

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Martin Luther discovered the catholic church and theological

What did martin Luther agree on with the catholic Church?

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He thought that selling indulgences were nonsense, and that purgatory did not exist. Indulgences were sold to relatives of the dead, and the Pope would promise them that the souls of the dead would spend less time in purgatory. Luther nailed 95 of these arguments onto the church door in Wittenburg.

What did Martin Luther do while hiding out at the Wartburg castle?

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Luther lived incognito at the Wartburg; he called himself Junker Jörg (Knight George) and "grew his hair and a beard." While he was hiding at Wartburg he supposedly translated the New Testament into German. The Bible that he was translating from was the Latin Vulgate.

How did Martin Luther believe one got to heaven?

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While doing good things does tend to make the world a better place, it is not the key to getting to heaven. "For by Grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8,9. It is a gift that God would like to give to all people, but he will not force it on anyone, nor can it be earned.

There a a few simple things we must know to gain the gift of heaven.

# All are sinners: "For all have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God." Romans 3:23. A clear evaluation of the world reveals this truth. While some are worse than others, all do some wrong or more.

# We deserve to be punished: "For the wages of sin is death..." Romans 6:23a. This will be seen as eternal death for it's comparison to eternal life in the same verse: "but the gift of God is eternal life thought Jesus Christ our lord." v. 23b. # While we deserve eternal death for our sins, God loved us so much that He sent Christ to die for our sins in our place. "But God commendeth His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8.

So, since we are sinners, we should pay for our sins by eternal death in Hell. Yet, Christ paid for all our sins, so that we would not have to do so, but could be forgiven. God's loving gift to us through Christ is salvation from sin and eternal life as His great blessing. It takes trust and belief in Christ as the Savior. Jesus said: "Verily,verily, I say unto you, he that believeth in me hath (right now) eternal life." John 6:47.

What we need to do is receive the gift by faith. Romans 10:9 says: "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Verse 10 instructs for emphasis of importance: "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." The belief should be genuine enough that we not only believe it in our heart, but we tell others of the marvelous love of God to us. Verse 11: "For the Scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed."

Again, verse 13 tells us that anyone can come to Christ to be saved: "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." A well known verse is John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." We will not perish in Hell, but will have life everlasting. That's "good news," which is what the word "Gospel" means! Jesus will turn nobody away, who truly wants to be saved. "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37.

We need to be sorry for our sins, turning from that conduct and receive the gift of forgiveness and eternal life. The Holy Spirit brings this salvation to us and seals this gift to our heart. Then we are saved from sin's consequences and given God's promise of heaven.

It is through God's mercy that we can go to heaven, and that is only through Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saves us, by the washing of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost." Titus 3:5,6.

The next thing a person should do is join a Bible-believing and practicing church, to learn how to grow in the Lord and to be assured of the great gift of eternal life and Heaven. "And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." Acts 2:47b.

What church was created in Martin Luthers name?

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Whether Luther actually nailed his theses to the door, or whether he sent them out to specific bishops and priests has not been conclusively determined. It certainly would make sense for him to have nailed it, since church doors acted like public bulletin boards.

Luther is said to have nailed his theses on the door to the chapel of the castle of Wittenburg. The place can be visited to this day, although the door is certainly not the original.

What are facts about Martin Luther the German priest?

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Martin Luther was born on 10 November 1483, in Eisleben, Germany. At age 17 he enrolled in the University of Erfurt, gaining a Bachelor's degree in 1502 and a Master's degree in 1505. According to his father's wishes, Luther then enrolled in the law school of that university. A terrifying near-encounter with a lightning bolt in 1505 led Luther to abandon his law studies and enter a monastery, dedicated to serving God.

Luther struggled with the Roman Catholic church's demands that one could only earn favour with God through good works. Through his in-depth study of the Scriptures, he reached the realisation that salvation is a gift of God's grace, received by faith alone and by trust in Christ's death on the cross as the only means to that salvation.

It was this that led him to openly question the teachings of the Roman Catholic church, in particular, the nature of penance, the authority of the pope and the usefulness of indulgences. The Reformation of the church began on 31 October 1517, with Luther's act of posting his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The document contained an attack on papal abuses and the sale of indulgences by church officials.

Controversy raged over the posting of the 95 Theses. Luther was excommunicated several years later from the Roman Catholic church for his attacks on the wealth and corruption of the papacy, and his belief that salvation would be granted on the basis of faith alone rather than by works. In 1521, the same year in which he was excommunicated, Luther was summoned before the Diet of Worms. The Diet was a general assembly of the estates of the Holy Roman Empire that occurred in Worms, Germany, from January to May in 1521. When an edict of the Diet called for Luther's seizure, his friends took him for safekeeping to Wartburg, the castle of Elector Frederick III of Saxony. Here, Luther continued to write his prolific theological works, which greatly influenced the direction of the Protestant Reformation movement. It was here also that Luther translated the New Testament into German. This was published on 21 September 1522. Luther also began translating the entire Bible, which took him 10 years to complete. Luther's extensive writing on church matters included the composition of hymns, liturgy, and two catechisms that are basic statements of the Lutheran church. (source: - November 10, September 21)

What did Martin Luther Believe was the key to getting into heaven?

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Martin Luther was born in 1483 and he died in 1546. Luther was a German priest and he believed that salvation is not earned by good deeds but received only as a free gift of God's grace through faith in Jesus as redeemer from sin.

Did Martin Luther use the Printing Press?

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Because of the printing press people were literate and well-educated. They could understand Luther's concepts and ideas better. They could also read the bible, which could help Luther prove the church wrong. The printing press helped make the bible more readily available to people.

What are some of Lucy Terry Prince Accomplishments?

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Lucy Terry Prince was an African American Poet. Her first poem was published in 1855. It was called "Bars Fight".

Martin Luther's life as a monk and what affect did the place have on him?

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While Martin Luther was in school, he was caught in a thunderstorm and there was a lightening strike close to him, he cried out in terror and promised to become a monk if he was saved. Shortly thereafter he entered an strict Augustinian Friary.


from the website Martin Luther Biography:However, in July 1505, Luther had a life-changing experience that set him on a new course. Caught in a horrific thunderstorm where he feared for his life, Luther cried out to St. Anne, the patron saint of miners, "Save me, St. Anne, and I'll become a monk!" The storm subsided and he was saved. Most historians believe this was not a spontaneous act, but an idea already formulated in Luther's mind. The decision to become a monk was difficult and greatly disappointed his father, but he felt he must keep a promise. Luther was also driven by fears of hell and God's wrath, and felt that life in a monastery would help him find salvation.