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The public administration and economics have a very complex relationship with one another. For instance, the public administration does the policies, which can either make or break the economy.

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Q: What is the relationship between public administration and economics?
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What is the difference between Economics and Managerial Economics?

Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. According to Lionel Robbins, Economics is a science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses. Managerial economics, used synonymously with business economics, is a branch of economics that deals with the application of microeconomic analysis to decision-making techniques of businesses and management units. According to McGutgan and Moyer, "Managerial economics is the application of economic theory and methodology to decision-making problems faced by both public and private institutions".

What is the importance of research to public administration?

what is the importance of conducting research in public administration

What is participatory approach?

Participatory approach must important approcah in Public Administration because of public administration works itself for public

What is relationship between public and private savings?

As we know that National savings is a sum of public and private savings so national savings is fix for one year.Now come to the point there is inverse relationship between public and private savings because one increases then other decreases.

What is public economics?

Public economics (or economics of the public sector) is the study of government policy through the lens of economic efficiency and equity. At its most basic level, public economics provides a framework for thinking about whether or not the government should participate in economics markets and to what extent its role should be. In order to do so, microeconomic theory is utilized to assess whether the private market is likely to provide efficient outcomes in the absence of governmental interference. Inherently, this study involves the analysis of government taxation and expenditures.

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To analyze the relationship between the public administration and other academic disciplines you need to look at the roles that the two play. The academic disciplines help in the understanding of the various aspects of the public administration,

What The relationship between public administration and history?

Public administration is the management of people in government, non-profit and charity organizations. History can tell us a lot about what works and what doesn't work in public administration.

What is ecology of public administration?

The ecology of public administration shows the relationship between citizens and government policies. This is what will facilitate the implementation of government policies.

What is the relationship between management and the administration of the organisation?

management is to plan,formulate policies, coordinate activities while an administration is to implement the formulated policies by management.

What are the relationship between law public administration?

The law is in charge of working for the public. When the law is used, it is best used to help the people.

What is the difference between public administration and health administration?

The differences between Public Health and Public Administration is that public health administration is tailored towards professions in the medical areas such as hospitals, clinics, nursery homes, and therapy.

What is the Dichotomy of Public administration and political science?

The Politics Administration Dichotomy emphasizes that politics and administration are fundamentally different and should be approached as such. It states that public administration is a business field, and should be kept out of the sphere of politics.

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Difference between public relation and public administration?

Public relations involves the spread of information between a company and the public. Public administration refers to government policies being implemented.


Public administration and political science are closely connected fields that both study the structure, functioning, and behavior of government and public institutions. Political science provides the theoretical foundation and analysis of political systems, policies, and decision-making processes, while public administration focuses on the practical implementation and management of policies within government agencies. The relationship between the two disciplines helps to ensure effective governance and policy outcomes.

What is the difference between a Ph.D in public administration and doctor of public administration?

Once you complete a PhD you become a Doctor of that subject.

What are the differences between private administration and public administration?

The Public Administration Means The Institutions Are Governed By The Public Or Government, And It IsResponsibility Of Government That How To Make Policies.And Private Administration Means That Institution Or Company Or Any Sector Is Governed By The Private Source Or AnyIndividual Person. He Will Be The Supreme Authority Of That Institute And Will Decide How It Deals.