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Assuming a constant power:(energy consumption) = power x time

In SI units:

joules = watt x seconds

Of course, if the power is not constant, you need to replace the formula by an integral.

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Q: What is the relationship between time and energy consumption?
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The relationship between energy and power is that power is energy used over time!-Brandon Davis, Norwood MAAdditional AnswerPower is the rate at which energy is expended. In other words, power is energy divided by time. Power is measured in watts, while energy is measured in joules. So, the watt is equivalent to a joule per second. For the purpose of billing its customers, energy companies use the kilowatt hour, rather than the joule, kilojoule, or megajoule, to measure energy consumption. Since power is energy divided by time, then energy is power times time. If power is measured in kilowatts, and time in hours, then energy can be measured in kilowatts x hours, or kilowatt hours (kW.h).

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Watts is a unit of power, energy / time. Therefore, the energy consumption of a device is the amount of watts, multiplied by the time the device is turned on.

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You can't directly convert between a measure of time and a measure of energy. MWh is not a "special type of hour", it is the product of megawatts and hours. The general relationship is: energy = power x time.

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The term power consumption is defined as the amount of electrical energy used over time in an appliance. Power consumption is measured using kilo watts.Another AnswerPower is simply a rate; the rate of energy transfer. So power cannot be 'consumed'; it's energy that's being consumed. So, when we say 'power consumption', what we mean is 'the rate of energy consumption'. As power is a rate, it is measured in joules per second which, in SI, is given a special name: the watt.

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