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Wellness provides a balance lifestyle that will help your body feel better. When your body feels better it works better to protect against diseases. This is why candy or drugs help prevent diseases. This is also why fat people are so healthy.

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Q: What is the relationship between wellness and disease prevention?
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The emphasis is on the prevention of disease in regard to wellness.

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The essential difference between health promotion and disease prevention (health protection) lies in the motivation. When a healthy behavior, such as exercise, is done for the person to feel "good," to achieve a high level of wellness, the behavior is health promotion. When a healthy behavior is done to prevent a disease, it is disease prevention (health protection).

What is the difference between disease control and prevention?

prevention is stop disease from happening and control is stop somehing that already happen

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The relationship between pasteurization and disease is that Louis Pasteur who created the vaccine for polio, learned that microorganisms cause disease in humans. That is the relationship between pasteurization and disease.

What is the difference between control and prevention?

Control refers to managing or reducing the impact of a disease or condition that is already present, while prevention involves taking measures to avoid the occurrence of the disease or condition altogether. Control strategies focus on minimizing the spread and impact of an existing problem, whereas prevention strategies aim to stop the problem from happening in the first place.

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Heart disease atheroscerosis is narrowing of the arteries.

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What is one of the main risk factors for gum disease?

lack of dental care. Initiatives by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have begun to study the relation between periodontal disease and general health.

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What is the prevention of parkinsons disease?

I'm sorry but there is no real prevention for Parkinson's disease. it is a progressive, neurological disease whose signs and symptoms differ in character and severity from person to person.

Is immunization an example of primary prevention?

Yes, Immunization is a form of primary prevention as it prevents the onset of a disease/disease process