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Marxist theory of social development can be relevant to 21st-century Africa by providing insights into class struggle, exploitation, and the role of capitalism in shaping economic structures. It can offer a framework to analyze disparities, inequalities, and the impact of globalization on African societies. However, it is important to adapt Marxist ideas to the specific historical, political, and economic contexts of each African country to ensure relevance and applicability.

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Q: What is the relevance of marxist theory of social development to the africa of 21st century?
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What country in central to the books out of Africa and the green hills of Africa?

The country central to both "Out of Africa" and "The Green Hills of Africa" is Kenya. They are both books written by the author Karen Blixen (also known as Isak Dinesen) and are set in Kenya during the early 20th century. Kenya's landscapes and wildlife feature prominently in both works.

What was the name of the people of Alkebulan?

Alkebulan is the ancient name that was given to Africa. The name of the people that lived in Alkebulan were the African Moors. They lived in Africa during the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th century.

Which country in Africa has the highest birth rate?

Niger has the highest birth rate in Africa, with an average of over 7 children born per woman. This high birth rate can have significant implications for the country's population growth and development.

Most progressive country in Africa?

Rwanda is often considered one of the most progressive countries in Africa due to its focus on gender equality, economic development, and investment in technology and innovation. The country has made significant strides in healthcare, education, and governance under the leadership of President Paul Kagame.

Which characteristic describes part of the demographics of an average country in Sub-Saharan Africa?

A characteristic of the demographics of an average country in Sub-Saharan Africa is a young population, with a higher percentage of people under the age of 25 compared to other regions. This youthful demographic profile can impact various aspects of society, including education, healthcare, and workforce development.

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