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Social changes occur with each generation and set of values. Social changes can be positive or negative, but are a response to the environment and social values of each given generation.

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1mo ago

Social change is relevant because it helps address issues of inequality, injustice, and discrimination in society. By promoting social change, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world for all individuals. Additionally, social change can lead to advancements in human rights, environmental protection, and overall societal well-being.

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11y ago

Change in social structures nature,the social institution's social behaviour or social

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Q: What is the relevance of social change?
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What is the relevance of sociology?

Sociology is relevant because it helps us understand how societies operate, how individuals interact within them, and how social structures and institutions influence people's behavior. It provides insights into social issues, inequalities, and trends, helping us address challenges and create a more cohesive and equitable society.

What are the characteristics of social change?

Social change involves altering behaviors, norms, values, and social institutions within a society. It can be driven by various factors such as technology, environment, ideology, or demographics. Social change can lead to shifts in power dynamics, social relationships, and the distribution of resources within a society.

What is social change?

Social change refers to the transformation of societal norms, beliefs, behaviors, and structures. It can involve shifting attitudes, values, and systems to create positive impacts in society. Social change may be driven by various factors, including technological advancements, cultural shifts, political movements, and advocacy efforts.

What is the change in one's position in a social hierarchy refers to?

The change in one's position in a social hierarchy refers to social mobility. This can occur either upward or downward, impacting an individual's social status and opportunities.

A word that means change in social studies?

To change means to conquest. When you conquest you change .Pretend you were moving your room around. You conquest the locatin of your bed. (yes this is change in social studies=])

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