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The theory is that time and space are so closely linked that they have to be said in one word (time-space). Imagine the whole of space moving through one singular line; that line is time.

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1mo ago

Time is relevant as it helps us organize and structure our lives, allowing us to plan and coordinate our actions. It also plays a crucial role in natural processes and phenomena, helping us understand and measure changes and progress. Additionally, time can influence experiences and memories, shaping our perception of events and the world around us.

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Q: What is the relevance of time?
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Is it bares no relevance?

The phrase "bears no relevance" means that something is not significant or important in relation to a specific topic or situation.

When do reliability and relevance conflict?

Reliability and relevance can conflict when there is a trade-off between the two. For example, including more diverse data sources may increase relevance but decrease reliability. It is important to strike a balance between reliability and relevance based on the specific context and goals of the research or decision-making process.

Is relevance and importance the same thing?

No, relevance and importance are not the same thing. Relevance refers to how closely something is connected or applicable to a particular topic or situation, while importance reflects the value or significance placed on something. Something can be relevant but not necessarily important, and vice versa.

What is Historical Relevance?

Historical relevance refers to the importance or significance of past events, people, or periods in shaping our understanding of the present. It involves determining the impact and relevance of historical events on contemporary society and how they continue to influence our world today. Understanding historical relevance helps us make connections between the past and the present, enabling us to learn from history and avoid repeating past mistakes.

What is a statement having little or no relevance to what preceded it?

A non sequitur is a statement that does not logically follow from the previous statement in a conversation. It lacks relevance or connection to the topic at hand.

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Is relevance a singular or plural noun?

The noun relevance is a non-count (mass) noun; relevance is expressed in degrees, for example some relevance, much relevance, no relevance.

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How do you use relevance to make a sentence?

The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.The police were not sure of the relevance of the information to the case, but they had to investigate it.The essay the child submitted was good, but had no relevance to what it was meant to be about.

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No, although it won't be of much relevance if you remain separated from the military.

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To tell his people what time it is.? I have heard him say it had to do with the relevance of time to black folks. It's time to wake up?

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The answer I am giving has little relevance to the question you have asked