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The relief of an hill sheep farm is hilly. Also, hill sheep farms are very steep which makes the ideal for sheep as they can live in very bad conditions such as: rain, a storm, snow...

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Q: What is the relief of a hill sheep farm like?
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What. Is. A. sheep?

A clay sheep is a sheep made out of clay

What is the place called where sheep are kept?

Why do want to know? Anyway, they are kept in pens called GS pens because it is very dangerous if you do not have pens for sheep and goats because they carry out a disease called hircositus. Hope this helps!

Are sheep mistreated when they are used to make wool?

Depends on what farm your talking about. The vast majority would be no though. Sheep usually like it when they are shaved. Imagine walked around with 3 times your weight of on your back.

What does the bighorn sheep look like?

it look like a big sheep with horns sorda like a goat

What is lambing?

Sheep are small ruminant farm animals, often half to a third of the size of a full grown cow and are ruminants like a cow. They are four-legged cloven hooved mammals that give birth to live young. Like a cow, they are large in the body and neck and small in the head and short-legged. They're often woolly animals, though some breeds of sheep have hair instead of wool. They are white or sometimes black but black sheep are more rare. Most commonly you will find sheep with black heads and feet but their wool is white. Male sheep have horns, however some sheep breeds have sheep where both males and females have horns or do not have horns; in other breeds the horned trait is sex-linked--in other words, only males can have horns, not females. Male sheep are called rams, female sheep are called ewes and baby sheep are called lambs. They love to eat grass like a cow or a horse, but will eat one-half to one-third the amount a cow or horse will, making them ideal to keep on a small hobby farm where keeping a cow or a horse is too costly.

Related questions

What. Is. A. sheep?

A clay sheep is a sheep made out of clay

How is the use of machinery in hill sheep farms like?

The use of machinery is the fact they use a sheerer to sheer the sheep.

Are The bleating sheep in Animal Farm are like cheerleaders for Napoleon?

Yes, the bleating sheep in the Animal Farm are like cheerleaders for Napoleon. They would repeat a certain phrase every 15 minutes during the debate.

What does chupacabras eat?

Mainly small farm animals like sheep and also humans sometimes

What kind of an animal is a ewe?

An ewe is like a goat so farm animals I'm pretty sure it's a female sheep

What is the place called where sheep are kept?

Why do want to know? Anyway, they are kept in pens called GS pens because it is very dangerous if you do not have pens for sheep and goats because they carry out a disease called hircositus. Hope this helps!

Are sheep mistreated when they are used to make wool?

Depends on what farm your talking about. The vast majority would be no though. Sheep usually like it when they are shaved. Imagine walked around with 3 times your weight of on your back.

Are there any comic relief in animal farm?

Yes, there are instances of comic relief in "Animal Farm," such as the interactions between the animals and some of the absurd situations they find themselves in. The dynamic between characters like Napoleon and Snowball also provides some moments of dark humor.

What is the short story of why the sheep has a big voice?

The short story of why the sheep has a big voice goes like this: Once upon a time, a lonely sheep wished for a way to be heard by the other animals on the farm. The wise old owl overheard this wish and, with a flick of its wings, granted the sheep a big voice so that it could communicate loudly and clearly with its fellow animals. And from that day on, the sheep was no longer lonely and could easily join in conversations with the other farm animals.

Is it normal to act like a sheep?

no it is not normal unless you grew up on a farm and your father got a little hanky panky with the mama lamb her baas really started turning him on and in this case it is very normal because you a probably a human-sheep hybrid. you see... human-sheep hybrids look like humans and act like sheeps. hope this helps... call me

What was life like in neolithic age?

it was hard but knew how to farm animals so they wouldn't go hungry and the wool from the sheep made good clothing

What was life like in the Neolithic Age?

it was hard but knew how to farm animals so they wouldn't go hungry and the wool from the sheep made good clothing