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Christianity. Catholic (mostly Poles, Belarusians and Ukrainians in part, and others) and Orthodox (mostly Russian, Bulgarians, partly Belarusians, Ukrainians, Serbs and others).

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Q: What is the religion of Slavs?
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What religion influenced the West slavs through missionary work?


What are two important differences among the Slavs?

Two important differences among the Slavs are their linguistic diversity, encompassing languages such as Russian, Polish, Czech, and Bulgarian, and their historical experiences, which have led to variations in culture, religion, and societal structures across different Slavic groups. Geographic location also plays a role in shaping differences among the Slavs, as those living in Eastern Europe have been influenced by different historical events and neighboring cultures compared to those in the Balkans or Western Europe.

Which rulers conversion to chrisitianity ensured this religion would be adopted by eastern slavs and Russians?


Who were the Slavs of russia?

The people in russia I guess?

Where did the Slavs settled?

the Slavs did settle in Belarus and Ukraine.

Which group of slavs fomed Poland?

The Slavs

Where did the slavs first live in Europe?

Slavs originate from Eastern Europe.

What jobs did slavs do when they were slavs?

Slavs are Moslty Barbaric People and They Only Make Savages for Killing and Assimilating Peoples

How many salvs were killed in the holocaust?

Troops were not killed in the Holocaust, but Jews 6 million died. ____ The Holocaust was genocide, not a war.

What is the difference between slavs and Russians?

Slavs are an ethnic group that encompasses various Eastern European nationalities, including Russians. Russians specifically refer to people from the country of Russia. So, all Russians are Slavs, but not all Slavs are Russian.

Which continents do Slavs live on?

Answer: Slavs live on the European and Asian continents.

What ethnic group is Russia?

They are ancestors of the Slavs, the Baboloons. They also maintain the largest religion in Russia, the Babboonial religion where they worshop Babboons and believe that if they sacrafice a Babboon, they will later be reincarnated into a Babboon and be sacraficed for their religion, and then be in eternal rest with the god of their religion, Shelite, the first Babboon they had sacraficed, and that they will help his soul live on forever.