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Q: What is the religious aspect of a person?
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What was the religious part of the beginning of the cold war?

There was no religious aspect to the Cold War -(what have you been reading )

What is the religious aspect of water?

water signify's sound doctrine

What vacations have a religious aspect?

The elderly might enjoy vacations that have a religious aspect to them. A trip to a location with historical significance, or perhaps a cultural icon like the Vatican, may perk their interest.

What religion has to do with religious experience?

All religions are religious, by definition. Any time you experience a religion (or some aspect thereof) that is a religious experience.

What are the elements of cultural diversity?

The elements of the cultural diversity refers to the basics and things that make a given culture. They include the religious aspect, the marriage aspect and the initiation aspect.

Which objective of Spain has been materialized in Philippine society today?

religious aspect

What is associated with Easter religiously?

The religious aspect of Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.

Was Henry ford a religious person?

yes he was a religious person

What is the meaning of a physical aspect of a store?

physical aspect is all about good personality of a person

Why is religion an issue in the concepts of health medicines and science?

Most people have some sort of religious affiliation, and this faith shapes their worldviews and ethical ideals. Therefore, each person brings their religion into their debates on health medicines and science. It has to do more with the human aspect than with the science aspect.

A religious person who is devoted his life to a religious order or group?

A religious person who has devoted his life to a religious order is known as a monk.

What is the religious significance of Easter?

There is no secular aspect, without its religious aspect there is no easter. Unless by secular you mean the commercial aspect. If so, its just a prime example of our eagerness to turn a dollar at every opportunity.