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it is the pull that the gravity and the air has to come closer an d oull stuss dowanward and that is t hrust\

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Q: What is the resistance that all objects moving through the air encounter?
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What is the force that opposes the motion of objects through air?

Air Resistance is the kinetic friction of the object's surface moving through the air. In aeronautical terms this is known as drag.

How does air resistance affect objects moving through the air?

Resistance (newtons) = velocity( in m/s)2 * drag coefficient of the object

Name of the force that slows objects moving through air?

Friction. Otherwise known as air resistance.

Explain why objects moving in fluids must have special shapes?

When objects move through fluids, they have to overcome friction acting on them. In this process they lose energy. Efforts are, therefore, made to minimise friction. So , objects are given special shapes.

What force slows objects moving through the air?

Air resistance

What slows moving objects through the air?

Air resistance. The fact that air molecules have to get out of the way to allow an object to pass slow the object.

Air resistance slows the motion of moving objects?

Yes, yes it does.

Can resistance speed up moving objects as well as slowing them down?

Resistance is force opposing motion so it will only slow objects down

What is the definition of air resistant?

The term 'air resistance' is a term for how much air drag there is on a object moving through air; a word for contact force that opposes the motion of objects moving in air.

Does water resistance speed up moving objects?

No, it would slow objects down. Resistance implies that the water is acting against the object's motion, slowing it down.

What is a force that causes resistance to moving through the air?


When you drive down the highway you are moving through space what else are you moving through?

Through the air, which offers resistance proportional to the speed squared.