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Q: What is the response of a muscle fiber to increase in the firing rate of the somatic motor neuron?
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Reflex that control skeletal muscle are called?

Somatic Reflex

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Is the corneal reflex a somatic reflex or an autonomic reflex?

This particular reflex is autonomic as the affected muscle, constrictor pupillae muscle, is a smooth muscle and not under conscious control. Typically if you can consciously contract the muscle, any reflex associated with that muscle is somatic in nature.

Is muscle a gamete cell?

No a muscle cell is a somatic cell

The somatic nervous system issues somatic motor commands that?

contractions of skeletal muscle

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smooth muscle

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What nervous system controls the skeletal muscle contractions?

The central nervous system supplies the body and muscle contraction. Striated muscle (skeletal muscle) contract voluntary with exception of the heart which is striated involuntary smooth muscle.

Is an effector of a skeletal muscle a somatic reflex?

No its a humungus condom

Is a gag reflex a somatic reflex?

No, a somatic reflex are the reflexes of the skeletal muscle movements. The gag reflex is considered to be an autonomic reflex.

What are two body processes that would change in response to an increase in muscle activity?

That would be increased respiration and increased oxidation. .