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postorbital bar

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Q: What is the ring of bone that closes the lateral orbital margin in primates?
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What margin of the orbit are the lacrimal bones?

lacrimal bones are on the lateral margin of the orbit.

What part of the body is the subclavian region?

Borders: Superior - clavicle Inferisor - horizontal line drawn throungh the 3rd rib (in men) ; upper margin of the mammary gland (in women) Medial - Lateral margin of the sternum Lateral - Anterior margin of the deltoid muscle

What is reticulate venation?

Reticulate venation is where lateral veins radiate away from a central vein towards the leaf margin. The areas between the lateral veins shows strong secondary veins

Why is the marginal artery called that?

It is called the marginal artery because it passes around the lateral margin (or side) of the heart.

In an adult curling under of all the toes in response to gentle stroking of the lateral outer margin of the sole is?

babinski reflex

Select the correct origins of the triceps brachii:?

Infraglenoid tubercule of scapula, posterior surface of humerus, superior lateral margin of humerus

Where is the orbit in the eye located?

The frontal, maxillary and zygomatic bones contribute equally to the formation of the orbital margin.

What is the lateral edge of the rectus abdominis muscle called?

"Linea semilunaris is the lateral edge of the rectus abdominis muscle that crosses the costal margin at the tip of the ninth costal cartilage." ("Laboratory exercises in anatomy and physiology with cat dissections/ R.Amitrano, GTortora)

What is another word for side?

Depending on what use of "side" we are talking about, face (A cube has six faces), flank (The horse has a pain in its flank), team (He played for two years for the Durham team), ally (I'm hoping he will ally with me in the argument), margin (He pushed it to the margin of his plate).

What is uptake of the right acromioclavicular?

Uptake is a higher than baseline accumulation of radiopharmaceuticals in an nuclear medicine examination. The right acromioclavicular is the joint between the acromion of the scapula, and the lateral margin of the clavicle.

Where is the sural region?

The sural nerve (short saphenous nerve), formed by the junction of the medial sural cutaneous with the peroneal anastomotic branch of the lateral sural cutaneous nerve, passes downward near the lateral margin of the tendo calcaneus, lying close to the small saphenous vein, to the interval between the lateral malleolus and the calcaneus. It runs forward below the lateral malleolus, and is continued as the lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve along the lateral side of the foot and little toe (via a dorsal digital nerve), communicating on the dorsum of the foot with the intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve, a branch of the superficial peroneal It's the calf.

What is the continental margin margin?

the margin of the continental