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You can't really 'give' a yeast infection. The organism that causes the infection is all around. The yeast will begin growing when you become a good host. If you become immuno-compromised or if you don't practice appropriate hygiene or if your skin remains warm and moist, you will be growing yeast before you know it.

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Q: What is the risk of giving your partener a yeast infection?
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What are the ages to get a yeast infection?

There are no specific ages to get a yeast infection. It is a sexually transmitted desiese. So every time you have sex, you're at risk of getting it

Does apo amoxi clav cause yeast infection?

There is a chance that you will develop a yeast infection when taking apo-amoxi clav, but keep in mind that yeast infections often occur as a result of ANY antibiotics. Eating yogurt actually helps to decrease your risk of getting a yeast infection, as it helps to balance chemicals and probiotics. Talk to your pharmacist if you are concerned, or for more advice on how to attempt preventing a yeast infections.

Does apo-amoxi clav cause yeast infection?

There is a chance that you will develop a yeast infection when taking apo-amoxi clav, but keep in mind that yeast infections often occur as a result of ANY antibiotics. Eating yogurt actually helps to decrease your risk of getting a yeast infection, as it helps to balance chemicals and probiotics. Talk to your pharmacist if you are concerned, or for more advice on how to attempt preventing a yeast infections.

How can you get a yeast infections?

Candida albicans are present in vagina of healthy female. When there is increased in number of fungus leads to vaginal yeast infection. Although yeast infection is not included in STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease), Sex with infected person can transmit this disease. This organism is present in vagina, contact with vagina or vaginal discharge transmits the infection. Some bacteria present in women vagina which protects infection from other micro-organism. Use of antibiotics can kill this bacteria giving better environment for Candida albicans to develop. Patient on chemotherapy, immunocompressive drug are highly risk to yeast infection. Excessive washing of vagina and douching can change the chemical balance of vagina causing risk of developing vaginal yeast infection. For more information on self treatment:

Is yeast infection communicable or non communicable?

Yes, yeast infections can be contagious. For the most part only the sufferer will be at risk, although the infection can be spread to other people it's not spread easily. Genital yeast infections can be passed between partners, thus one reason not to have sex during a yeast infection.

Can spemicidial lubricant cause yeast infection?

No, as long as regular cleaning and hygiene are performed. However if any excess fluids of any kind (including lubricants) are left on the genitals for long periods of time without cleaning, than any mess left down there would eventually risk turning into a yeast infection. But the yeast infection wouldn't be caused by the type of lubricant, just the fact that the area hadn't been cleaned up properly. Even sweat and your own body fluids can eventually turn into a yeast infection.

Does Saint Anthony's Fire cause yeast infections?

Erysipelas, also known as St. Anthony's Fire, is an intensely red bacterial infection that occurs on the face and lower extremities. I can't see anywhere that it causes fungal infections but ppl who has a fungal infection, yeast, has an increased risk to get Erysipelas.

Can I get a yeast infection from my girlfriend?

Exactly that: A yeast infection of the mouth or Oral yeast infection Though you can also label a yeast infection as "Candida infection" or in the case of the mouth an "Oral Candida infection" Candida fungus being the name of the bacteria (or yeast) Candida fungus is present in the mouth and various other parts of the body at all times, it doesn't present as a problem until it overwhelms the good bacteria in the area that usually keeps it in check. Then you end up with a bacteria explosion (called an infection), this can happen in various parts of the body, including the mouth. Some people call it "Thrush" or "Thrush mouth"

Are chlamydia and thrush related?

Chlamydia and yeast infection are caused by different microbes, have different risk factors, and different symptoms. They both can affect the female reproductive tract.

Is it bad to continuously have yeast infections after your period?

Yes, it's bad to have yeast infections at any time. During menstruation you may be at higher risk of certain infections because normally your vagina is acidic to kill off harmful flora, but blood effects vaginal pH so make it less acidic and more favorable to harmful flora.

When your menstrual cycle is occurring are you still protected when taking the 28 day pill?

Yes you are but intercourse during the menstrual period has a high risk of UTI or yeast infection if you don't use a condom.

What is the medical term meaning condition also known as vaginal thrush or a yeast infection?

The vagina naturally contains bacteria and yeast, an acidic pH kills 'bad' bacteria and allows 'good' bacteria to thrive - some of this 'good' bacteria produces hydrogen peroxide to keep yeast under control. Sometimes vaginal pH and flora can be thrown off balance, making it easier for yeast to multiply - for example if a woman uses soap to wash her vulva, this can change pH so cause imbalance in vaginal flora. Yeast is also a fungus so likes warm moist environments, thus things like women wearing tight synthetic clothing can increase risk of developing a yeast infection, and yeast like sugar so a high-sugar diet can increase yeast infections too.