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Q: What is the role of NAT test for blood donor in disaster?
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The test that determines the compatibility of donor and recipient blood is called?


Which test is performed to determine the compatibility of a blood donor and recipient before a blood transfusion?


What is cross-matching of blood?

A laboratory test done to confirm that blood from a donor and blood from the recipient are compatible.

Do they test for hepatitis a when donating blood?

No. hepatitis A antibodies screening is not required by the FDA for volunteer blood donations. However, any donor giving a specific history of Hepatitis A is permanently deferred as a volunteer blood donor, per FDA guidelines Sources:

Is it necessary to take the DNA test of the donor in case his bone marrow is taken for transplantation?

If it's a blood donor, you don't need to. BMBP'S REPLY-I accept but we are talking about bone marrow transplantation

Can you take a blood test to be an organ donar?

Yes I would be able to submit to a blood test now. I have no existing conditions that would prohibit any testing to see if I am a possible match to be an organ donor. I do not know my blood type or blood group either.

Is it true in some people HIV was unable to be known in blood test up AIDS?

Depends on what type of blood test you take. Regular blood tests do not show AIDS, unless you ask for the facility to look for it. If you have a blood test done for, as an example, being a blood donor, then they will look for AIDS

Can a bone marrow transplant change the DNA of the new blood cells?

Sort of... Assuming there is no GVHD and the bone marrow transplant is successful, a blood test will show what percent of the recipient's blood is their own blood and what percent of the recipient's blood was produced from the donor's bone marrow. If the test comes back ">95%", then the recipient's blood and the donor's blood have become DNA-identical. Interestingly enough, the recipient's hair and saliva remain the same DNA they were born with. Their hair and saliva do NOT change to the donor's DNA. So, the recipient of the bone marrow transplant would then have two DNA's in their body. Neat stuff!

If you were a blood DONOR and you wanted to donate your blood do they test your blood again?

Yes. Before they take your blood, they will do a fingerprick test to see if you have enough iron in your blood. If you are anaemic, they won't take your blood. After they have taken your donation of blood, it is put through several tests in the laboratory before the blood is used. The lab tests will check for infectious diseases that could infect the person receiving the donated blood.

Do call the donor with drug test results?


Knowing my blood type b foods?

We have a blood type test kit which you can purchase from our site or you can donate blood to the Red Cross. Once you donate blood to the red cross, about 6 weeks later you should receive a donor card in the mail bearing your blood type.

Do they test for difference genders in a drug test?

Not normally, but the test itself can tell if the donor is male or female.