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The role of the health protection agency is to be an independent body that focuses on the health of the population. They are set up to protect the public from disease and illness.

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Q: What is the role of a health protection agency?
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When was Health Protection Agency created?

Health Protection Agency was created in 2003.

What is the independent US agency responsible for protecting human health and the nation's environment?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitors threats to the environment and public health.

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the government agency responsible for protecting natural resources such as air, water, and land in the United States. Its mission is to ensure the protection of human health and the environment through regulatory actions and policies.

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The Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health administration, and their equivalents in state government, regulate asbestos.

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for regulating pollution in the United States. They set and enforce rules to protect the environment and human health from harmful pollutants.

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was created by the United States federal government in 1970 to protect human health and the environment by enforcing regulations and conducting research on environmental issues.

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the government organization responsible for monitoring and regulating the risks of pollution in the United States. They set standards for pollutants in order to protect human health and the environment.

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The principal federal agency responsible for protecting the health of all people in the US is the Department of Health and Human Services. however, other agencies have distinct roles in this, including:Consumer Product Safety CommissionEnvironmental Protection AgencyOccupational Safety and Health Administration

When was Scottish Environment Protection Agency created?

Scottish Environment Protection Agency was created in 1996.