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animals help the carbon cycle by the animals dying and restarting their life cycle again

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Dying and eating. Basically.

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Q: What is the role of animals in carbon cycle?
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What role do carbon dioxide play in the carbon dioxide oxygen cycle?

Carbon dioxide plays a crucial role in the carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle. Plants absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis to produce oxygen as a byproduct. This process helps to maintain the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere, supporting life on Earth.

What role cellular respiration play in the carbon cycle?

Animals produce carbon dioxide. Animals produce carbon dioxide

How do animals help in the carbon cycle?

Animals play a key role in the carbon cycle because they create relatively large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a major gaseous waste product, produced in cell mitochondria in the process called respiration and excreted by the lungs when exhaling.

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Both nitrogen cycle and carbon cycle require microorganisms to fulfill their role. Moreover they also help digestion in the stomach of many animals.

What are non examples of the carbon cycle?

The non-examples of the carbon cycle are animals and energy.

What is the carbon cycle and what are some factors that contribute to the carbon cycle?

The carbon cycle is the process of animals and humans emitting carbon that the plants absorb and turn into oxygen for the animals and humans to breathe. Some factors that contribute to it are plants, animals, humans, vehicles, and factories.

What impact do insects and animals have ont the carbon cycle?

Insects and animals impact the carbon cycle by releasing carbon dioxide through respiration and decomposition. They also help sequester carbon by storing it in their bodies and in the soil through processes like burial and grazing on plants. Additionally, some insects play a role in pollination and seed dispersal, which can influence the carbon storage capacity of ecosystems.

What is the role of living organisms in the carbon cycle?

Animal's role in the carbon cycle is the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between plants. Plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, and the byproduct is oxygen that all living things need to live. Then animals breath out carbon dioxide to be in taken by plants.

What is the continuos cycle when oxygen and carbon going from plants to animals and back to plantss?

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Is the role of fossil fuels in the carbon cycle?

The role of fossil fuels in the carbon cycle is to produce carbon dioxide. Fossil fuels are considered to be the highest contributors to pollution of the environment.

Do humans have a role in the carbon cycle?

Yes, humans play a significant role in the carbon cycle through activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and land use changes. These activities release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change.

What is role of primary producers in the carbon carbon cycle?

organic compounds