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Antiseptics kill bacteria in bacterial infections. They also prevent any other germs from entering the site of the infection such as in a cut.

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Ambrose Krajcik

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1y ago
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Q: What is the role of antiseptics in bacterial infection?
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What is role of antiseptic in bacterial infections?

Antiseptics kill bacteria in bacterial infections. They also prevent any other germs from entering the site of the infection such as in a cut.

What is the role of antiseptics in bacterial infecton?

To kill bacteria.

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Who discovered how antiseptics prevent infection?

Joseph Lister

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Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that plays a key role in the body's defense against bacterial infections. An increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood is often seen in response to bacterial infections.

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Influenza, is a bacterial infection.

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Which cell will respond whether you have viral infection or bacterial infection? can't really cure viral infections, only bacterial infections..hence anti-bacterial as antibiotics for a bacterial infection

A bacterial infection results when bacteria?

A bacterial infection results when bacteria enters the body.

How do antiseptics work?

Antiseptics, such as alcohol, don't actually kill bacteria but usually prevent them from growing/reproducing. They change the environment and reduce the "food" supply. Other antiseptics can destroy bacteria by attacking their cell membrane.

Can you give me a sentence with the word bacterial?

The doctor told the patient he had a bacterial infection in his foot. He has a bacterial infection in his hand caused by a cut.

Do you have to get a shot when curing a bacterial infection or can you just take antibotics?

Just because you have a bacterial infection does not always mean you have to have a shot. You can cure a bacterial infection with antibiotics depending on how bad it is.