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Q: What is the role of decomposers in the water cycle?
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What is the role played by decomposers in the food nutrient cycle?

Decomposers break complex organic compound and help in recycling of nutrient materials .

What is the role of decomposers in food nutrient cycle?

taga kain syempre ano pba

Is the nitrogen cycle possible without decomposers andf why?

The nitrogen cycle would not be possible without decomposers, because the decomposers role is to break down the nitrogen containing chemicals into simpler chemicals. So to answer your question, no it is not possible, hope this helped.

What role do decomposers play in the the nitrogen cycle?

Decomposers break down the corpses and wastes of organisms and release the Nitrogen they contain as ammonia. This is called "Ammonification."

What is mans role in the water cycle?

Man has no role in the water cycle. Neither can the duplicate it.

What does the ocean role in the water cycle?

Oceans have important role. It is a part of water cycle.

What role does vegetation play in the water cycle.?

The vegetation's role in the water cycle is cooling the heat of the rain

Why does the water cycle play an important role in the environment?

The water cycle plays an important role in the environment. This cycle recycles the water in the system for the plants and animals.

What role do rivers play in the water cycle?

Rivers play an important role. Water cycle begins and ends at rivers.

What is the role of decomposers in the notrogen cycle?

Yes,Whenever an organism dies, decomposers break down the corpse into nitrogen in the form of ammonia. This nitrogen can then be used again by nutrifying bacteria to fixnitrogen for the plants

What roles does the ocean have in the water cycle?

Oceans have important role. It is a part of water cycle.

What is the role of leaves in water cycle?

leaves actually dont have a part of the water cycle=)