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The ribs enclose the thoracic cavity providing bony protection for the vital organs of the thorax-the heart and lungs.

Because the thorax must expand and contract to allow breathing, the ribs move slightly in a "bucket handle" type of motion with each breath.

Therefore the ribs are involved with breathing.

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Q: What is the role of diaphragm and ribs in breathing?
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Function of ribs and diaphragm in the breathing process?

Ribs are for protection i think and diaphragm is the muscle controlling inhaling and exhaling. Also: the rib muscles can help the breathing process, which is useful when the diaphragm is weak, constricted, or to get an extra-big breath. Breathing from the diaphragm makes the belly move in and out as the lungs extend downwards. Breathing from the rib muscles makes the chest expand and rise.

Breathing occurs due to the contraction and relaxation of the muscles between the ribs and the?


Are the ribs immovable or movable?

Ribs move with the diaphragm to assist in breathing. While they are fairly rigid, just look at how your chest expands and contracts while breathing. If they were immovable, there would be no movement.

Which muscle plays a main role in breathing?

The muscle that plays the main role is the diaphragm.:)

What is the definition of the breathing system?

The stems involved in breathing: the ribs, intercostal muscles, diaphragm as well as the lungs and the tubes which bring air into the body from the outside.

The dome-shaped muscle that plays an important role in breathing is the?


State the position and action of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles?

Position of; Intercostals.. In-between the ribs, running obliquely downwards Diaphragm.. Mid chest separating the thoratic and abdominal cavities. Action; ..Keeps us breathing when working with the ribs, sternum and lungs. ..expands and retracts with breathing

What holds the breathing tubes to the lungs open?

The larynx or voice box provides a passage. but the alveoli help

Which muscle plays a role in breathing?

The thoracic diaphragm, where its contraction assists inhalation and relaxation assists exhalation plays a main role in altering the lung's volume and air pressure inside, contributing to the process of respiration. Many other muscles are involved in both raising and lowering the ribcage, and any stomach muscles involved assist in exhalation.

What are you doing when your diaphragm moves up and your ribs move down and in?

Your diaphragm lowers and your ribs expand outwards