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to create a short circuite

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Q: What is the role of fuse used in series with any electrical appliances?
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What is the role of a fuse in series with any electrical appliances?

The role of a fuse in series with any electrical appliances is to open the circuit should a current higher that the rating of the wire occur. When a device shorts out to ground there is a very high rush of current trying to return back to the distribution panel. It is comparative to when a welder strikes an arc in welding, the temperature created is enough to melt steel together. If this high current is not stopped in home wiring situations, then the insulation will melt off of the wire feeding the appliance and a fire could break out. The opening of the protective fuse prevents this situation from happening.

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A 12v inverter is widely used in the domestic electrical appliance world to convert a 12v system to a higher voltage. So in other words you can use any appliance on a 12v system as long as you have the proper inverter.

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What is the role of the fuse?

To protect the rest of the circuit.

What describes the role of an electromagnet in a generator?

Its role is to change mechanical energy into electrical energy.

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Magnet wire plays a critical role in three areas of energy transformation: electrical to electrical, electrical to mechanical, and mechanical to electrical. Electrical to electrical transformation involves transformers, which are used to transfer power. Transformers are used for power generation by utility companies, for power voltage conversion, and in electrical controls in industrial and home uses. Electrical to mechanical transfer is necessary for motorized appliances, automobiles, industrial machinery, and residential and commercial HVAC systems. Magnet wire is a key component in each of these applications. Mechanical to electrical transformation occurs when machine power is converted into electricity. This type of transformation includes generators, which turn mechanical power into electrical energy through the use of magnet wire.

What best describes the role of an electromagnet in a generator?

Its role is to change mechanical energy into electrical energy.

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The role of the pacemaker is to replace the role of the heart's electrical system, which makes sure that the heart doesn't stop beating.

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"A battery stores electrical energy."

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bath impregnating is used to varnishing of motor or generator in electrical trade.