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Salvation is actually not a religion its a relation ship with the one true God if you get saved you got heaven when the Lord come back If you wanna get saved read below

1. Admit your a sinner

2. Believe Jesus died for you

3. Confess with your mouth

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Q: What is the role of religion on the salvation of man?
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No king Saul had no part in the role of salvation, only Jesus can truly give us salvation, aand nobody and nothing else can give salvation to man.

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that it has nothing to do with man's soul.

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As a non catholic Mary is the woman who brought Jesus into the world to be my Savior.Apart from that she has no role in salvation Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father except through me".

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In the topic of salvation in religion, soteriology is important as it discusses, studies, and explains the topic of salvation and how believers may achieve it. Soteriology is present in various forms of religion and aids believers and those who practice religion in achieving forgiveness as well as salvation in the after life.

How would the Romans describe salvation?

Roman religion did not have a concept of salvation. When Christianity became the main religion of the Roman Empire, the Christian concept of salvation was adopted and was described in the Christian way.

What were beliefs about salvation during the middle ages?

The Catholic church was the only religion in the middle ages and it taught that man was born in sin and to reach heaven he needed to do as the church told him. The church was seen as the "middle man" between man and God. If a person was excommunicated by the church he/she would not be saved and that there would be no salvation for them.

How do you use salvation in a sentence?

The act of saving; preservation or deliverance from destruction, danger, or great calamity., The redemption of man from the bondage of sin and liability to eternal death, and the conferring on him of everlasting happiness., Saving power; that which saves.

Who made up religion?

Man made up religion as an attempt to bridge the gap between man and God. Many attempts have been made to bridge that gap. People have tried since the beginning to somehow get back to God, but the fact is that man cannot do that by himself, he needs a mediator, which is Christ. Religion is just mans attempt at salvation

What is Marv's role in gods plan of salvation?

Mary's role in God's plan of salvation is to provide an example for all of the people of the world and serve as a mother to everyone.

What is the role of Israel in history of salvation?

there is no. we are all equall

What significant role does a church play?

To put it simply, the role of the Church is to mediate salvation.

How do use the word Salvation in a sentence?

To gain salvation, the man went on a crusade.