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Q: What is the role of the 15 executive departments?
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Related questions

How many executive departments are there and what are they?

There are 15

What president was chief executive?

All of them. Chief excecutive is a role that they play by commanding their 15 cabinet departments. As chief executive, they carry out legislation with the help of the cabinet

How many departments are in the executive branch?


Who lead the 15 executive departments?

The cabinet

What is unique about the executive branch?

i It is the only branch of government elected by citizens

How many cabinet departments are in the US government?

There are two cabinets : the overt cabinet which consists of the heads of the 15 departments of the executive branch; and the covert cabinet made up of the President's most trusted advisers. (see related question)

What branch has 15 executive departments whose heads are approved by the senate?

The executive branch

How many cabinet post are there in the US?

15 Executive Departments.

How many executive departments exist today?

* today there are 14 executive departments in the world. There actually are 15. Proof:

What were the new executive departments?

the new executive departments were ITS IN YOUR TEXT BOOK

How does the president check the power of the executive branch?

The President is the power of the executive branch. He appoints all of the leaders of the 15 departments.

Which four executive departments were established after the Revolution?

The first four executive departments were the Departments of State, War, Treasury and the Attorney General.