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Q: What is the root note of the c major scale?
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What is the arpeggio of the f major scale for oboe?

The arpeggio is the root, 3rd, and 5th of the scale. In F major, those note are F A C.

First note of a musical scale?

The first note of a musical scale depends on the key you're in. For instance, if you're in the key of A, the first note, known as the root, would be A. If you're in the key of F#, the root would be F#. No matter if you're playing the major scale, the minor scale, the blues scale, or any other scale, the root always matches the chord you're playing over.

What is the fifth note in the C major scale?

The fifth note of C major scale is G. The fifth note of any scale is always called the dominant.

What is a major chord?

A major chord consists of the root (tonic) note, the third scale degree (mediant) and the fifth note (dominant). In the key of C major - without sharps and flats - the C major chord consists of the notes C, E and G.

What is the first note of a major or minor scale?

The first note of a major or minor scale is called the tonic note. For example: for C major, the first note (or tonic note) is C; for a minor, the first note (or tonic note) is a.

What is a subdominant note in a major scale?

The subdominant in any major scale is the fourth note. So, in C major, the subdominant is the F.

What is the first and last note in the C Major scale?

C and C.

What is the subdominant note in the g major scale?


What is the fourth note on the G major scale?


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What is a dominant note in a major scale?

The dominant note is the 5th note in the scale. ie: in a C Major scale, G is the dominant note. The dominant is represented by the Roman Numeral "V" in music.