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I would believe the root of both would be "compose"

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13y ago

The root word is compose.

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Q: What is the root word for composition and composer?
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Related questions

What is the root word for composing?

Compose. So a Composer is one who composes.

What is a verb for composition?

Another word for composition is "Essay".

Make a noun out of the word compose?

The noun forms for the verb to compose are composer, composure, composition, and the gerund, composing.

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If you disassemble the word composition, the "баб" root, "ушк" suffix and "а" ending.

Is compose a noun?

Compose is a verb. It means: to make or form by combining things, parts, or elements. As in "He composed a speech from his notes." Noun forms are composer, composition, and composure.

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Which composer invented the twelve-tone of composition?

Arnold Schoenberg.

What is the noun for composed?

The abstract noun forms of the verb to compose are composition, composure, and the gerund, composing.Another noun form of the verb to compose is composer, a concrete noun as a word for a person.

How did Peter Tchaikovsky influence his audience?

We know that he is a composer and a musician... he influenced his audience by his composition

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Who invented the 12 tone system of composition?

Arnold Schoenberg, Austrian composer in 1921.

What is the composition of the word constellation?

Well, in the word there is the root con- which means togther. Another root in the word is -stell. -Stellmeans star. So constellation means stars together, which is correct because a constellation is basically a grouping of stars forming a figure in the sky.