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Q: What is the root word for gastritis?
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What is the root words of gastritis?

Gastritis has two root words and is broken down into two parts, gastr which means stomach, and itis which means inflammation.

What is all about gastritis?

Gastritis is the inflammation of the lining of the stomach, often caused by factors like excessive alcohol consumption, prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Treatment usually involves medication to reduce stomach acid production, dietary changes, and addressing the underlying cause.

A sentence with the word gastritis in it?

Gastrisis is a odd thing that is very wierd. Did you know that it is odd and wierd? Well, it deffinently is a crazy thing. Did you know that gastro is a root that means stomach? Well that's what it means, yep.

What is prepyloric gastritis?

pPrepyloric gastritis

What is the root word of fugitive?

Fugitive has no root word it is the root word.

What is the root word of river?

There is no root word of river. It itself is a root word.

Is gastritis an acute or chronic inflammation of the stomach?

Yes, gastritis is inflammation of the stomach. Gastritis may be acute or chronic.

What is erythematous gastritis?

An inflammation of the stomach is called gastritis. Gastritis can either be acuter chronic, and there is medication that can help with pain.

Is gastritis a disease?

La gastritis es una inflamación del revestimiento del estómago.

What is the root word for conference And what is the root word for adhesive?

the root word is'confirminglyishness'

What is erythematous exudative gastritis?

An inflammation of the stomach is called gastritis. Gastritis can either be acuter chronic, and there is medication that can help with pain.

What is the root word for decorate?

the root word is decor and that is the root word of decorate