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it goes through the tricuspid and into the left atrium

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Q: What is the route of an rbc traveling from the heart to the left elbow and back to the heart?
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What is the Route of blood from the heart to lungs and back to heart called?

the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein

What is the thing called on the back of your elbow?

The skin on the back of one's elbow is called olecranal skin, or colloquially, a weenis.

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Do blood? Really? Travel away from the heart? Looks like we have a conundrum boys - if blood travels away from the heart and through your body - How does it get back to your heart? Is it really traveling away?

Where is the olecranal region of the body?

Where the "wenis" is, at the back of the elbow

What prevents the backflow of blood in the separate chambers of the heart?

Veins are provided with "one-way" valves along their route back to the heart. I used to notice that the veins on my forearm inflated and bulged when if I swept my fingers down from my inner-arm elbow to my wrist when I was young and skinny. This clever arrangement results in the reduction of effort on the heart to pump blood during muscular exercise.

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July 2008

What is the fat on the back of your elbow called?

It is called a wenis.

What joint allows the elbow to swing back and fourth?

your elbow does this because it has a hinge joint. a hinge joint is also found in your knee

Does the elbow joint include a hinge joint and a gliding joint?

The elbow is a hinge joint. When you think about it, you can only bend your elbow back and forth. Think about your wrist, that's a gliding joint. It moves in a completely different way than your elbow.

Why is there more pressure if you fall on your elbow then if you fall on your back?

Because your elbow is made up of a compact bone or funny bone that releases more pressure than your back since it has a spinal cord.

The elbow is not found on a horse's foot right?

The "elbow" (can't remember the true name) is at the top back of the front leg where the leg connects to the shoulder.