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Q: What is the rule for taking military leave in conjunction with 2 non-duty days?
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What do you call taking leave without permission?

Taking leave without permission is commonly referred to as "unauthorized absence" or "absent without leave (AWOL)." It is a violation of workplace or military policies and can result in disciplinary action.

Identify the subordinating conjunction before I leave on the sixth we need to pay the bills?

The subordinating conjunction in the sentence is "before."

Can a person in the military take pass and leave together?

No, you can'taccording to the regulation you can't take a pass in-conjunction with leave. Unless you have a battalion like mine that likes to add to. Check with your orderly room and find out if your unit allows it, but by the regulation no..

How can you get leave from being in us military?

Leave is essentially taking vacation. You apply through your chain of command. Most require you to fill out a form and submit it to your section chief.

What is the plural form of leave taking?

The plural form of "leave taking" is "leave takings."

Is when an adverb or a conjunction?

It can be either. It is much more commonly an adverb in questions (When will we leave?) As a conjunction, it connects clauses of time (When you get there, call me).

Identify the subordinating conjunction before I leave on the sixth we need to pay the bills-?

The subordinating conjunction in the sentence is "before".

Who pays transportation costs for a US Army soldier to go on leave?

Where are you going on leave from? If you're taking your block leave from a non-combat zone, you pay your own transportation costs. If you're taking leave from a combat zone, the military will get you stateside, although you may have to pay your own costs from your port of entry to your final destination.

Can when be an adverb?

Yes, but it is often a conjunction used in restrictive clauses (e.g. when we leave). It is used alone as an adverb in questions such as "When do we leave?"

What do you call military leave?


Does the sentence she wanted to leave early or she wanted to stay overnight use a dependent clause?

I find it difficult to figure out what your question means. If you are asking if the sentences: "She wanted to leave early or She wanted to stay overnight?" contain dependent clause, the answer is NO. "She wanted to leave early." and "She wanted to stay overnight." are both independent clauses. the OR used to connect the two clauses is a coordinate conjunction. you can tell if the other clause is a dependent clause if the conjunction used is a subordinating conjunction.