

What is the sacral reflex arc?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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16y ago

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It refers to autonomic functions such as those involved in urination and bladder control, among other things.

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Q: What is the sacral reflex arc?
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How does effector relate to reflex arc?

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Hormones have nothing to do in reflex arc.

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Muscles and glands are the possible effectors of a reflex arc

Reflexes are not carried to the brain?

A reflex arc does not pass through the brain. The somatic reflex arc and autonomic reflex arc are two types.

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A sensory receptor is the type of neuron that begins a reflex arc.

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Reflexes are uncontrollable movements that happen almost instantly in response to a stimuli. A reflex arc, a neuronal circuit that controls reflexes, is where reflex activities takes place.

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What kind of reflex arc does not require an inter neuron?

a monosynaptic reflex

What is the name for the path a reflex follows through the body?

The name for the path a reflex follows through the body is called a reflex arc. This arc involves sensory neurons, interneurons in the spinal cord, and motor neurons that work together to produce a rapid response without input from the brain.