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Q: What is the scale-like outer layer of hair?
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What is the outer layer of the hair shaft called?

The outer layer is the cuticle.

What layer of the epidermal region has scalelike cells full of keratin that constantly flake off?

The outer layer of the epidermis is full of scale like that frequently flake off. These cells are pushed to the surface as they begin to die.

What are 3 layers of hair?

The 3 layers of hair are the Cuticle (the outer most layer), the Cortex (the middle layer), and the Medulla (the inner most layer).

Are fingernails dead?

Yes. As is hair and the outer layer of the skin.

What are the layer of the hair?

cuticle, cortex, and medulla (outer to inner)

The substance that makes up hair and fingernails is called?

The fingernails are made of hardened cells of the epidermis, your outer skin layer. The cells have keratinized into a hardened, scalelike covering to protect the tips of your fingers, and the edges help you to pick up small objects.

Does a turtle have any hair?

Yes a turtle has hair everywhere under its shell but not on the outer layer

What produces hair?

Hair is an out growth of protein that grow from beneath the skin and then push through the skins outer layer. Hair is pretty much dead protein.

What are cuticle scales?

Cuticle scales are formed from dead cells on the hair cuticle, which is the outer layer of the hair shaft. The scales give the hair shaft strength.

What is the human hair made from?

Keratin. It is also a key component of nails and the outer layer of human skin.

What is the outer layer tooth?

The outer layer of the tooth is enamel.

What is the outer layer of a gas terrestrial planet?

The outer layer is atmosphere.