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The scar in "Lord of the Flies" refers to the strip of land left scarred by the crashed plane. Golding chooses this word to symbolize how the intrusion of civilization has disrupted the natural beauty and harmony of the island, hinting at the destruction and chaos to come as the boys' society unravels.

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Q: What is the scar why does Golding choose that word in the lord of the flies?
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What is the initial setting in Lord of the Flies by William Golding?

The first few paragraphs take place in the scar, left in the jungle by the crash of the "passenger tube" of the plane.

What created the scar on Lord of the Flies?

The airplane crashing into the island was what created the scar. :)

What is the scar that is repeatedly mention in lord of the flies?

The scar is where the plane crassed on the island.

What does the scar in the Lord of the Flies represent?

It is where the plane crashed

What does the scar represent in Lord of the Flies?

It is where the plane crashed

What is the initial view of the island in Lord of the Flies?

When Lord of the flies begins, Ralph and Piggy are standing on a strip of land on the island called "the scar." The scar is the burnt, treeless strip of land created when the plane crashed.

Lord of the flies What is the blue and white scar described in chapter 9?

In chapter 9 of "Lord of the Flies," the blue and white scar is a trail left by a fallen airplane that crashed on the island. The scar symbolizes destruction, the intrusion of civilization into the untouched island, and the boys' connection to the outside adult world.

What is the evidence of the plane wreck in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, the evidence of the plane wreck is mentioned in the form of scattered debris, such as luggage, airplane parts, and parachutist bodies. The boys initially discover the wreckage on the island, which serves as a reminder of the civilization they left behind and their isolation from it. The remnants of the plane symbolize the boys' loss of connection to the adult world and their descent into savagery.

What is the scar in Lord of the Flies?

The scar in "Lord of the Flies" refers to the physical mark left on the island by the plane crash that brought the boys to the uninhabited island. It symbolizes the destructive impact of human civilization on nature, foreshadowing the boys' descent into savagery as they struggle to establish order and survive.

Lord of the Flies scar?

In "Lord of the Flies", the scar refers to the gash left on the island from the plane crash. It symbolizes the violent disruption caused by the boys' arrival and their descent into savagery. The scar serves as a reminder of the destructive potential of human nature.

What symbolizes the scar in lord of the flies?

The scar of the plane crash symbolizes man coming onto uninhabited territory and scaring it, like the Europeans coming to North America for example.

What is the scar and what caused it in the Lord of the Flies?

The scar is the dent that the plane made on the island when it crashed into the island.